SCAPEGOAT announces the release of their first full album 「Dekisokonai」no「Ringo」( 「デキソコナイ」の「林檎」) for 1st April.
Album will be in in two versions.
Limited Edition (CD+DVD+12 page booklet)
2.赤いバスルーム (Akai Bathroom) (Album Mix)
3.スクラップガール (Scrap Girl)
4.COUNT D[a]WN (Album Mix)
5.蕾 (Tsubomi)
6.呼吸 (Kokyuu)
7.幼女A~Hide and Seek~ (Youjo A~Hide and Seek~) (Album Mix)
8.サイコな晩餐 (Psycho na Bansan)
9.輪廻はじめました (Rinne Hashimemashita)
10.眠れない僕の趣味 (Nemurenai Boku no Shumi)
"Scrap Girl" (PV & Making of)
Regular Edition (CD+ 24 page booklet.)
2.赤いバスルーム (Akai Bathroom) (Album Mix)
3.スクラップガール (Scrap Girl)
4.寂しがり屋の瓶詰め少女 (Samishigariya no Bindume Shoujo)
5.COUNT D[a]WN (Album Mix)
6.蕾 (Tsubomi)
7.呼吸 (Kokyuu)
8.幼女A~Hide and Seek~ (Youjo A~Hide and Seek~)(Album Mix)
9.サイコな晩餐 (Psycho na Bansan)
10.輪廻はじめました (Rinne Hashimemashita)
11.眠れない僕の趣味 (Nemurenai Boku no Shumi)
credits:official site
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