venerdì 12 luglio 2013

Alice Nine: SAGA reveals plans about World Tour

Alice Nine's bassist SAGA reveals plans about World Tour 2014!
PS COMPANY GLOBAL FANCLUB, as you can know, does not allow fans to use all contents published (articles, photographs, voice data, and images) for acquisition or reprint in any reason or occasion without their permission.
However, the news we are going to tell you is really important!

You surely know that bands under PS COMPANY answer to fans' questions with voice data!
Well, just yesterday on July 10th, Saga (Alice Nine's bassist) revealed something really interesting in the answer of the question of his fan.

She has asked him if he would imagine himself doing a World Tour, one day.
Saga's answer has been that yes, he can. Talking in name of Alice Nine, he said that they are thinking of going sometime next year. He added that they went to Asia in the autumn 2012 and that the live was good, so they were thinking to must go to the world soon.
He concluded the answer saying that Alice Nine is thinking of going to many countries in 2014 and gently asked to fans to wait a while.

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