martedì 14 ottobre 2014

Satsuki: New Europe Tour

Satsuki will have a new  Europe Tour in November and December!

Satsuki EU Tour 2014 - "Squall of Emotions"
Nov 28: Roubaix (FR), Bar Live 301, 7 ans Râmen Events!
Nov 29: Paris (FR), La Java
Nov 30: Lyon (FR), La Marquise
Dec 2: Vienna (AU), Repplugged
Dec 4: Hamburg (DE), Bambi Galore
Dec 5: Cologne (DE), MTC
Dec 6: Amstelveen (NL), P60
Dec 7: Liege (BE), Le Garage
Dec 14: Munich (DE), Garage Deluxe


Two more places might be added to the schedule soon.
You can have on the limited Album "Squall of Emotions" ( includes new and older songs ) during live.

credits:  @Satsuki_Rociel

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