sabato 8 dicembre 2012

Gotcharocka 『Virginity』 Preview Song.

GCR-038/¥2,980(Tax in)/Special Limited Edition
1, Virginity
2, 2032
3, Onomatopoeia
4, H
5, Samurai dreeeeeam breaker
1.「Virginity」Music Video
2. The making of music videos
3. 818 ~The way to "GOTCHAROCKA"~ 

GCR-039/¥2,520(Tax in)
1, Virginity
2, 2032
3, Onomatopoeia
4, H
5, Morphine (Bonus track)
6, Samurai dreeeeeam breaker
7, Virginity(Jui-nashi-ver.)

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