domenica 31 gennaio 2016
SUGIZO: His thoughts on Twitter about PATA
SUGIZO ha lasciato a Twitter i suoi pensieri per gli ultimi avvenimenti che lo hanno toccato da vicino, sia come artista che come persona.
Il chitarrista è ancora sotto shok per la scomparsa dell'artista David Bowie, che sembra avergli lasciato un vuoto che lo blocca, ma ora le sue preoccupazioni vanno anche al compagno chitarrista PATA che sappiamo essere ricoverato in ospedale a causa di una trombosi.
La situazione di PATA lo sta preoccupando molto e troppe sono le cose accadute fin dall'inizio di questo anno che sembrano stiano mettendo a dura prova il suo cuore e il suo corpo, come se fossero "rotti".
Dato che ci vorrà del tempo per riemergere da questa situazione, SUGIZO ha deciso di scomparire per un pò e salutando tutti con un "arrivederci a tutti".
SUGIZO left to Twitter his thoughts for the last events that have touched it closely, both as an artist and as a person.
The guitarist is still in shock over the death of the artist David Bowie, who seems to have left a vacuum that blocks him, but now his concerns also go to fellow guitarist PATA that we know to be hospitalized due to a thrombosis.
The situation of PATA is very worrying for him and there are too many things that have happened since the beginning of this year that seem to be putting a strain on his heart and his body, as if they were "broken".
Since it will take time to emerge from this situation, SUGIZO decided to disappear for a while and he greeting everyone with a "see you later ."
credits: @SUGIZOofficial
X JAPAN: "We are X" won as Best Editing!
Il film documentario "WE ARE X" , dedicato alla band X JAPAN, diretto da Stephen Kijak, con la produzione di Passion Pictures’ John Battsek (sede in Gran Bretagna) ha vinto il Sundance World Cinema Doc Special Jury Award come Best Editing.
Il docu-film ha ricevuto una tempesta di recensioni entusiastiche ed ha ricevuto una standing ovation.
Questi i commenti del regista e di uno dei giurati:
"Va bene a tutti, ci danno una X. Due grandi editori mi hanno aiutato a fare questo film nessuno dei due non può essere qui, ma questo è per voi ragazzi. Grazie mille."
Twain alla presentazione:
"Un film di impatto visivo. Spingendo l'arte di saggistica in coraggiosi nuovi territori. "
Questo invece è il commento di YOSHIKI a questa impresa:
"Aprire la porta che era piena di tragedie è stato difficile.
Cosi la storia degli X JAPAN, compresa quella di HIDE e TAIJI è diventata questa opera che sembra inoltre aprire una nuova strada.
Al personale di produzione e alle parti interessate, e tutti i fan sono grato"
The documentary film "WE ARE X", dedicated to the band X JAPAN, directed by Stephen Kijak, with the production of Passion Pictures' John Battsek (based in UK) won the Sundance World Cinema Doc Special Jury Award for Best Editing.
The documentary film has received a storm of rave reviews and received a standing ovation.
These comments of the director and one of the jurors:
“Alright everybody, give us an X. Two great editors helped me make this film Neither could be here but this is for you guys. Thank you very much."
Thwain presents.
“A visually stunning film. Pushing the art of nonfiction into brave new territories.”
This however is the comment YOSHIKI to this enterprise:
"Open the door that was full of tragedies it was difficult.
So the story of X JAPAN, including that of HIDE and TAIJI became this work that seems to also open a new road.
Production staff and stakeholders, and all the fans I am grateful "
Link Trailer:
Another interview with YOSHIKI and Kijak
credits: & Yoshiki official
LOG-ログ- : disbanding
Lo scorso Dicembre la band ha rilasciato una notizia importante sul blog.
Dopo il loro inizio nel 2014, la band (sotto l'etichetta B.P.Records) ora ha annunciato di fermare le attività.
La band si scusa con i fans ma la decisione nasce dopo varie discussioni, difatti i motivi risiederebbero nelle differenze di idee sulla futura direzione della band.
Per questo sono arrivati a questo annuncio.
Il 27 Dicembre 2015 è stato il loro ultimo One-man live prima dello scioglimento.
La band chiuderà definitivamente dopo il live de 27 Marzo 2016, al Takadanobaba AREA di Tokyo.
Anche se il tempo è limitato chiedono di continuare ad amare e supportare LOG-ログ- fino alla fine.
Last December, the band has released a important news on the blog.
After their start in 2014, the band (under the B.P.Records label) has now announced to stop the activities.
The band apologizes to fans but the decision comes after much discussion, in fact, the reasons would reside in the differences of views on the future direction of the band.
For this they got to this choise.
December 27, 2015 was their last one-man live before of the disbanding.
The band will close te activity after the live of March 27, 2016, at Takadanobaba AREA in Tokyo.
Even if time is limited, they ask to continue to love and support LOG-ロ グ - until the end.
March 27, 2016
『eternal pose -エターナルポース-』
Doors open: 17.30
Start: 18.00
Album · 7 October, 2015
3.Brave BLUE
4.PEACH SAMURAI~勧善懲悪絵巻(kanzenchouaku emaki)~
5.ありきたりな気持ちに、精一杯の気持ちを。(arikitari na kimochi ni seiippai no kimochi wo)
6.OVER SKY story
8.trick star
10.ゆとりの生んだ革命児(yutori no unda kakumeiji)
12.sense of loss
Adore you~キミヲ想フ声
Single · 25 March, 2015
1.Adore you~キミヲ想フ声(kimi wo omou koe)~ VIDEO
2.自信ない僕、強気な僕。(jishin nai boku tsuyoki na boku)
3.恋はぐるぐる(koi wa guruguru)
mini album
4.trick ster
Brave BLUE
Single · 3 August, 2014
1.Brave BLUE
2.PEACH SAMURAI 〜勧善懲悪絵巻(kanzenchouaku emaki)〜
Single · 29 March, 2014
2.trick star
0-ZERO-Single new story
Single · 13 February, 2014
Tracklist story VIDEO
Credits:Vo. Blog
Kuroyuri to Kage: Guitar & Drums leave the band

Un annuncio importante da parte della band 黒百合と影 (Kuroyuki to Kage) è stato rilasciato nel loro blog!
La notizia riguarda il Gt.こよみ (Koyomi) a il Dr. 夢月 (Mutsuki) che hanno deciso di lasciare la band e ritirarsi dall'attività musicale.
Questa soluzione viene dal risultato di un'ampia discussione tra il gruppo e lo staff. I motivi del loro abbandono non sono stati resi noti, comunque questa è sembrata la soluzione migliore.
Dispiace per questo triste annuncio dato a tutti coloro che hanno supportato sempre la band, comunque loro 5 insieme porteranno a termine tutte le attività rimaste.
Per cui pregano di continuare a godere della loro presenza in questa formazione fino alla fine.
Inoltre fanno sapere che nonostante questa prima fase in 5 si stia chiudendo, i rimanenti componenti, Vo.烏名鳴(karasuna mei), Gt.黒(kuro) e Ba.K ,inizieranno le prossime attività con una 2° linea-up il 1 Aprile 2016.
The news about the Gt. こ よ み (Koyomi) to Dr. 夢 月 (Mutsuki) who have decided to leave the band and retire for musical activities.
This solution is the result of extensive discussions between the group and the staff. The reasons for their abandonment are not disclosed, however this seemed the best solution.
Their are sorry for this sad announcement to all those who have always supported the band, however, their 5 together will complete all remaining activities.
So they pray to continue to enjoy their presence in this linea-up to the end.
Also they know that despite this first phase 5 is closing, the remaining components, Vo. 烏 名 鳴 (karasuna mei), Gt. 黒 (kuro) and Ba.K, will start the next activity with a 2nd line-up April 1, 2016.
February 12, 2016 (gold) Takadanobaba AREA
February 13, 2016 (Saturday) Ikebukuro Chop
March 9th, 2016 (water) Shinjuku ReNY
March 16, 2016 (water) Meguro Rokumeikan
March 25, 2016 (gold) Ikebukuro EDGE
[2MAN performances]
闇革命 × Shimizuya Records (Darkness revolution × Shimizuya Records)
黒百合と影 × シビレバシル (Kuroyuri to Kage × Shibirebashiru) (2MAN)
「社会の隅っこツアー」"Society of the corner Tour"
February 4, 2016 (Thursday) Osaka new Kagura
February 5, 2016 (gold) Sakae R.A.D
February 18, 2016 (Thursday) Ikebukuro Chop
[Alone performances]
Kuroyuri to Kage alone performances
Tokyo metropolitan area in the dark Unthinkable [trauma tour at all]
March 13, 2016 (Sun) Takadanobaba AREA (alone performance)
March 18, 2016 (Friday) HOLIDAY SHINJUKU (alone performance)
March 29, 2016 (Tuesday) Koenji twenty thousand voltage (alone performance)
March 30, 2016 (water) Koenji twenty thousand voltage (alone performance)
Credits: Official Blog
sabato 30 gennaio 2016
Psycho le Cému: Released 2CD + new annoncement
During the "Legend of sword 2016–伝説は再び-" at Toyosu PIT on 23/1/2016 and "大江戸カラクリWORLD~新衣装お披露目公演~" at Toyosu PIT on 24/1, Psycho le Cému has released
two CDs:
23 January 2016
Words: Lida
Music: AYA
Arrangement: Psycho le Cému & m.c.A・T
Produced by m.c.A・T
24 January 2016
Words & Music: Lida
Arrangement: Psycho le Cému & m.c.A・T
Produced by m.c.A・T
And more, the band announced a new song for the summer 2016 !!
Details will be announced at a later date!
Then there will be a new national tour :
CLUB CITTA 'Kawasaki
8/27 Sapporo Karakuri WORLD
@ Sapporo cube garden
@ Sapporo cube garden
@ Sendai darwin
9/4 (Sun) Sendai Karakuri WORLD
@ Sendai darwin
@ Nagoya Club Diamond Hall
9/9 (gold) Nagoya Karakuri WORLD
@ Nagoya Club Diamond Hall
@ Osaka BIG CAT
9/16 (gold) Osaka Karakuri WORLD
@ Osaka BIG CAT
@ Fukuoka DRUM Be-1
@ Fukuoka DRUM Be-1
@ Okayama crazy mom KINGDOM
9/25 (Sun) Okayama Karakuri WORLD
@ Okayama crazy mom KINGDOM
@ Toyosu PIT
Credits: Official Site
ASTARIA: 2 single release (SPOT)
After the release of special "zatsuon -NOISE-" the band announced the release of their 2nd official single, the title is "LONELY CRY" and will be available from February 3, 2016, in 2 versions.
Nagoya-limited Edition (1620 Yen)
02.koi no SNIPER (恋のSNIPER)
03.planetaria -boku wo kagayakasetekureru no ha kimi de attehoshii- (プラネタリア-僕を輝かせてくれるのは君であって欲しい-)
Regular Edition (2052 Yen)
02.koi no SNIPER (恋のSNIPER)
One day after the release they will celebrate vocalist Rey's birthday live at Imaike CLUB 3STAR in Nagoya.
Credits: Official twitter
ASTARIA: info band
Oggi vi presentiamo questa band, sono ASTARIA.
Fino al gennaio 2015 la band era conosciuta con il nome di "Black Klaxon", ma ha poi cambiato questo nome per Astaria ed ha guadagnato un nuovo chitarrista, Yuduki, allo stesso tempo.
Il 20 Dicembre 2014 il chitarrista Yukky aveva lasciato Black Klaxon per motivi personali. Così avevano deciso di cambiare il loro nome, lo stile e la line-up.
Il nuovo nome della band è "Astaria" e ufficialmente hanno cominciano l'attività sotto questo nome il 5 febbraio con un live ad Osaka intitolato "再 始 動", "re-start".
Il loro 1° singolo, con questo nome, è stato rilasciato il 22 Aprile 2015, il nome è "MARMALADE BUTTERFLY".
Altro rilascio è stato un singolo speciale per tutti coloro che vivono nella città natale della band, a Nagoya.
Il singolo si intitola "zatsuon -NOISE-" (雑 音 -NOISE-) e fu rilasciato il 6 dicembre. Il CD è stato venduto soltanto a Nagoya dove Astaria ha iniziato la sua attività della band come "Black Klaxon" a metà del 2011.
Today we present this band, are ASTARIA.
Until January 2015 the band was known under the name "Black Klaxon" but changed this name to ASTARIA and gained a new guitarist, Yuduki, the same time.
The December 20, 2014 guitarist Yukki had left Black Klaxon for personal reasons. So they decided to change their name, style and line-up. The new name of the band is "Astaria" and officially they begin the activities under this name on February 5 with a live at Osaka entitled "再 始 動", "re-start".
Their 1st single, with this name, it was released on April 22, 2015, the name is "MARMALADE BUTTERFLY".
Other release it was a special single for everyone living in the band's hometown Nagoya.
The single is titled "zatsuon -NOISE-" (雑音-NOISE-) and it was released on December 6th. The CD was released only in Nagoya where ASTARIA has started its band activities as "Black Klaxon" in mid-2011.
Vocal: Rey @ASTARIA_Rey
Guitar: Yuduki (ゆづき) (ex-Lost Valentine, Alioth-アリオト-(as haruto)) @ASTARIA_Yuduki/
Bass: Kouya @astaria_kouya
Drums: Masahide @ASTARIA_masa
Former Member:
Gt. Yukky
Released April 22, 2015 - 2 versions
Type A
Type B
ASTARIA 1Coin Single
Released 2015.12.06
01. "zatsuon -NOISE-"
PV SPOT, Special single "zatsuon- NOISE"
Credits: Jpopasia & Official site ASTARIA
Paranoid≠circuS: Announces 1st mini album
After 4 single, the band Paranoid≠circuS announcese the of their first mini album:
Release 2016.03.27
*More details in the future.
credits:official site
Souiumono: disband & last album release (SPOT)
サ ウ イ フ モ ノ (souiumono) avevano annunciato dopo one-man live "大 忘年 会 ク エ ス ト" a Ikebukuro BLACK HOLE il 2015/12/27, che la band si sarebbe sciolta.
La fine delle attività sarà dopo one-man live tour "GAME OVER" tour final a Takadanobaba AREA il 2016/04/10.
Inoltre il loro ultimo album "GAME OVER" uscirà a 2016/02/10.
Come motivazione nel loro sito viene riportato questa motivazione:
"A partire da marzo 2012 in cinque abbiamo continuato a viaggiare, improvvisamente apparve la maledizione del diavolo (Belzebù) e il mondo è stato avvolto nel buio nero come la pece.
Un ulteriore potere della maledizione avrebbe fatto cambiare SACCI in una figura "busamen" (non attraente).
Lui ha un tempo limitato per la sua forma originale e non sarà in grado di combattere.
Il prossimo 10 Aprile la band si scioglierà come il demone capo sarà sconfitto, la maledizione dissipata, la sottomissione cancellata, e la pace del mondo sarà ripristinata."
Loro ringraziano i membri, il personale e i fans e pregano, nonostante sia rimasto poco tempo alla fine della missione, di continuare a supportarli fino alla fine.
サ ウ イ フ モ ノ (souiumono) had announced after one-man live "大 忘年 会 ク エ ス ト" at Ikebukuro BLACK HOLE on 12/27/2015, that the band would disband.
The stop of activity will be after one-man live tour "GAME OVER" tour final at Takadanobaba AREA on 10/04/2016.
Moreover, their latest album "GAME OVER" will be released in 02/10/2016.
As motivation in their site is reported this reason:
"From March 2012 in five have continued to travel, suddenly appeared the curse of the devil (Belzebù) and the world was engulfed in darkness black as pitch.
Another power of the curse would change SACCI in a "busamen" figure (not attractive).
He has a limited time to its original form and will not be able to fight.
The next April 10 the band will disband like the demon boss is defeated, the curse dissipated, subjugation canceled, and world peace will be restored. "
They thank the members, staff and fans and pray, despite being only a short time at the end of the mission, to continue to support them until the end.
Last Album "GAME OVER"
Release Date: February 10, 2016 (Wed)
Price: ¥ 3,200
13 songs
Lyrics:SACCI / Composer:nono
Lyrics:SACCI / Composer:ぬっぺ
Lyrics:SACCI / Composer:SACCI
4.Courier of the wind
Lyrics:SACCI / Composer:nono
Lyrics:SACCI / Composer:ぬっぺ
Lyrics:SACCI / Composer:SACCI
Lyrics:SACCI / Composer:SACCI
Lyrics:SACCI / Composer:SACCI
Lyrics:SACCI / Composer:SACCI
Lyrics:SACCI / Composer:SACCI
Lyrics:SACCI / Composer:nono , ぬっぺ
Lyrics:SACCI / Composer:SACCI
Lyrics:SACCI / Composer:SACCI
March 13 (Sun) Sapporo SPIRITUAL LOUNGE
March 14 (Mon) Sapporo SPIRITUAL LOUNGE
March 18 (Friday) Kobe Mersey beat
March 20 (Sun) Shinsaibashi FANJ
March 21 (Mon) Nagoya Heartland
March 27 (Sun) Sendai speceZero
April 10 (Sun) Takadanobaba AREA
Credits: Official site
martedì 26 gennaio 2016
the LOTUS - "Wish" (full pv)
1st SINGLE "Wish" released 2015.12.23
LAGNA - 夏茜 (Natsu akane) FULL PV
2nd single 「夏茜」released 2014.09.03
Starku - 子供ROCK (kodomo ROCK) (full video)
1st Single "kodomo ROCK" Release 3 February 2016
lunedì 25 gennaio 2016
TOKAMI: Dr.1000 leaves the band
Sul suo blog il batterista della band Tokami, 1000, ha fatto sapere che se ne andrà dopo lo one-man show del 29 giugno allo Shinjuku ReNY.
La ragione di questa decisione sembra essere dovuta alla sua condizione fisica che negli ultimi anni ha incominciato a creargli qualche problema ed ora tenere il passo con le attività si è fatto più difficile.
Dopo una consultazione con lo staff e i membri, per non interferire con il lavoro degli altri, si è deciso ad abbandonare.
Lui è veramente grato per il periodo trascorso con i Tokami e ringrazia tutti per il continuo supporto.
On his blog, the band's drummer Tokami, 1000, said that he will go after the one-man show on 29 June at Shinjuku Reny.
The reason for this decision seems to be due to its physical condition which in recent years has begun to make it a problem and now keep up with the business has become more difficult.
After consultation with the staff and members, not to interfere with the work of others, he was decided to abandon.
He is truly grateful for the time spent with Tokami and thanked everyone for their continued support.
credits:tokami 1000 blog
cali≠gari: New mini album
cali≠gari rilascerà il loro nuovo mini album 『憧憬、睡蓮と向日葵』(doukei suiren to himawari) in 13 Aprile.
Il concept album è sul tema "dell'estate". "Ninfee" e "girasole", l'immagine dei due fiori del titolo fiancheggiano il paesaggio estivo, come la fragrante.
Conterrà 5 brani tra cui la canzone del titolo,"doukei suiren to himawari", e "giragira (ギラギラ)
Il mini album sarà composto da una Regular Edition che sarà rilasciata ad aprile e una Limited Edition sarà venduto esclusivamente durante i loro concerti dal 23 dello stesso mese.
cali ≠ gari will release their new mini album 「憧憬, 睡蓮 と 向日葵」 (doukei Suiren to Himawari) in April 13.
The concept album is the theme "summer." "Water Lilies" and "sunflower", the image of two flowers of the title line the summer landscape, such as fragrant.
Will contain five songs including the title song, "doukei Suiren to Himawari" and "giragira (ギ ラ ギ ラ)
The mini album will consist of a Regular Edition will be released in April and a Limited Edition it will be sold exclusively at their concerts from the 23 of the same month.
Mini album 『憧憬、睡蓮と向日葵』
RELEASE April 13, 2016
TOUR 2016 "Doukei, Suiren to Himawari (憧憬、睡蓮と向日葵)"
4/23 (Sat) @Yokohama BAY HALL
5/01 (Sun) @Aomori Quarter
5/03 (Tue/Public Holiday) @Sendai MACANA
5/07 (Sat) @Osaka Umeda AKASO
5/14 (Sat) @HEAVEN'S ROCK Utsunomiya
5/15 (Sun) @Gunma Club FLEEZ
5/20 (Fri) @Okayama IMAGE
5/22 (Sun) @Fukuoka DRUM Be-1
5/27 (Fri) @Yamanashi Conviction
5/29 (Sun) @Shizuoka Sunash
6/04 (Sat) @Nogaya Bottom Line
6/05 (Sun) @Kanazawa AZ
6/11 (Sat) @Sapporo Penny Lane 24
*All Days Pass is available for only FC Members. (The pass includes some limited bonus items/services.)
credits:official site & CD Japan
Synk;yet 栞-shiori-cancer overcome charity event
【Synk;yet 栞-shiori-癌闘病制圧チャリティーイベント】
(Synk;yet 栞-shiori-cancer overcome charity event)
■ April 12, 2016 - Takadanobaba AREA
メディーナ (Misaruka)
シビレバシル (Sibilebashir)
アヴァンチック (Avanchick)
domenica 24 gennaio 2016
KAMIJO: Info live in Paris
Messaggio per gli shows di KAMIJO a Paris.
"Cari amici di Kamijo,
Siamo molto lieti di informarvi sulle nuove date per gli shows di KAMIJO a Parigi, che sono stati cancellati a causa di attacchi terroristici dello scorso novembre.
3 Settembre 2016: Reale Night @ Le Pavillon Dauphine
4 Settembre 2016: Live @ La Boule Noire
I biglietti acquistati per gli spettacoli annullati sono ancora validi, naturalmente e più nuovi biglietti saranno in vendita..
Per informazioni sullo show a San Paolo sarà annunciato a breve insieme ad altri 2 spettacoli americani ed alcuni KAMIJO Fan Club Eventi. Rimanete sintonizzati!
Message for shows of KAMIJO in Paris
"Dear KAMIJO friends,
We are very happy to inform you about new dates for KAMIJO shows in Paris that were canceled because of terror attacks last November.
3 sept 2016: Royal Night @ Le Pavillon Dauphine
4 sept 2016: Live @ La Boule Noire
Tickets bought for canceled shows are still valid of course and more tickets to be sold again.
For information the show in Sao Paulo will be announced soon along with 2 more American shows and some KAMIJO Fan Club Events. Stay tune!
Thank you"
credits:KamijoOfficial FB & B7Klan
Sibilebashir: Release new single
シビレバシル (Sibilebashir) hanno annunciato il rilascio di un nuovo singolo 「月姫」(Tsukihime) per il 9 marzo e nello stesso giorno verrà anche rilasciato la seconda ristampa del singolo 『二重人格』(”nijūjinkaku”/"Dual Personality"), che era andato tutto esaurito.
La consone 「月姫」(Tsukihime) inoltre verrà usata come sigla di chiusura per il film " MOONBOW,"e la band è insieme nel cast con gli AvelCain.
シビレバシル (Sibilebashir) have announced the release of a new single 「月 姫」 (Tsukihime) for March 9 and will also be released the same day the second printing of the single 『二重人格』 ("nijūjinkaku" / "Dual Personality"), that everything had gone out.
The consistent 「月 姫」 (Tsukihime) also it will be used as the ending theme for the movie "Moonbow," and the band together in the cast with AvelCain.
Eding theme song 「月姫」(Tsukihime) / Sibilebashir
New single「月姫」
Release 2016.03.09
■Limited Edition■
※1000 limited edition
■Regular Edition■
3.Black Black Happy
※300 limited edition
「二重人格 (2nd Press)」
Release 2016.03.09
credits:official site
AvelCain: Release new singles
AvelCain hanno annunciato il rilascio in due tempi di due singoli :『月-MOON-』per il 27 Gennaio e 『蘇-よみがえり-』(yomigaeri) per il 24 Febbraio.
Queste due canzoni inoltre saranno usate nel film MOONBOW, basato sulla sottocultura della moda Lolita, dove anche i membri dei AvelCain prenderanno parte insieme ai Shibirebashiru.
AvelCain have announced the release of two singles in two stages: 「月 -MOON-」 for January 27 and 「蘇 - よ み が え り -」 (yomigaeri) for 24 February.
These two songs will also be used in the film MOONBOW, based on the subculture of Lolita fashion, where even members of AvelCain take part with Shibirebashiru.
Opening theme song 『月-MOON-』 / AvelCain
Kafka inserted song 『蘇-よみがえり-』/ AvelCain
●「月-MOON-」release 2016.1.27
◎Limited Edition
CD 3Tracks
◎Regular Edition
CD 1Tracks
●「蘇-よみがえり-」release 2016.02.24
◎Limited Edition
CD 3Tracks
◎Regular Edition
CD 1Tracks/
credits:official site
NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST: Release new album
Dopo il loro ultimo rilascio, il live DVD "銃創 AT’15 AKASAKA BLITZ" a Settembre 2015 con le riprese del live del 20 Giugno. NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST ha annunciato il prossimo rilascio che si tratta di un nuovo mini album.
Il titolo del mini album è "ZēTēS" e l'uscita è per il 24 Aprile 2016.
Sarà disponibile in due versioni, Limited Edition ( 2 Disc digipak) e Regular Edition (CD).
I contenuti saranno decisi prossimamente.
After their latest release, the live DVD "銃 創 AT'15 AKASAKA BLITZ" in September 2015 with the filming of the live June 20. NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST announced the upcoming release that it is a new mini-album.
The title of the mini album "ZēTēS" and the output is for 24 April 2016.
It will be available in two versions, Limited Edition (2 Disc digipak) and Regular Edition (CD).
The contents will be decided soon.
Mini album [ZēTēS]
Release 2016.04.24
[Disc 1]
1. ZeTeS
2. Malice against
4. NG+
5. Deep Inside
6. the strength I need
[Disc 2]
1. Malice against (Instrumental)
2. Rebellion (Re-Recorded / Remastered )(2016)
3. A Bullet of Skyline (Re-Recorded / Remastered )(2016)
Credits:official site
-AI-: Release full album
-AI- release first full album in 2016 Spring!
Release 2016.04.20
–Tracklist –
3.GLASS SKY (Album ver.)
9.鴉 (Album ver.)
credits:official site
New session band for ex-DELUHI and ex-12012 members
Novità da parte di Juri e Aggy ( ex- membri dei DELUHI) e 酒井洋明(sakai hiroaki) e 齋藤紳一郎(saitou shinichirou) (ex-membri dei 12012), i quali hanno formato due session band.
Jury, Aggy e Sakai Hiroaki hanno creato ヨルクライム(yolcrhyme), mentre Saitou Shinichirou ha formato i 20160124.
Queste due session band insieme sono presenti al live "DILETTANITISM" at Takadanobaba AREA il 2016/01/24.
Session band "ヨ ル ク ラ イ ム (yolcrhyme)" si esibirà inoltre presso More present live "THE CIRCUS OF PARADIGMA" at Takadanobaba AREA at 2016/03/20.
[Artisti che partecipano]
News by Aggy and Juri (former members DELUHI) and 酒井 洋 明 (Hiroaki sakai) and 齋藤 紳 一郎 (Saitou Shinichirou) (former members of the 12012), which formed two session band.
Jury, Aggy and Sakai Hiroaki created ヨ ル ク ラ イ ム (yolcrhyme), while Saitou Shinichirou has formed 20160124.
These two session band together, are to live "DILETTANITISM" at Takadanobaba AREA at 2016/01/24.
Session band "ヨ ル ク ラ イ ム (yolcrhyme)" will perform also at More presents live "THE CIRCUS OF PARADIGMA" at Takadanobaba AREA at 2016/03/20.
[live participating artists]
"ヨルクライム(yolcrhyme)" members:
Vo.Juri (ex-DELUHI)
Gt.酒井洋明(sakai hiroaki) (12012)
Gt.じょん(john) (ex-TOKYO HEROES-->Sel'm)
Ba.Aggy (ex-DELUHI-->Garson)
"20160124" members:
Vo.瀬音(sena) (ex-Sel'm, now in STEREO.C.K)
Gt.齋藤紳一郎(saitou shinichirou) (12012)
Gt.じょん(john) (ex-TOKYO HEROES-->Sel'm)
Ba.朋(tomo) (DADAROMA)
Credits: Monocrome Heaven
LIPHLICH: New Drummer
Dopo l'annuncio dell' abbandono da parte del batterista Maruyama Eiki (丸山英紀) , lo scorso 15 Dicembre,la band fa sapere che hanno trovato un nuovo batterista, il suo nome è Kobayashi Takaaki(小林孝聡).
After the announcement of the abandonment by the drummer Maruyama Eiki (丸山 英 紀), last December 15, the band has announced that they have found a new drummer, his name is Kobayashi Takaaki (小 林孝 聡).
Official Twitter @LIPHLICH_KOBA
credits; Official Site
sabato 23 gennaio 2016
BORN: Disbanding
Purtroppo c'è una triste notizia: la band BORN ha annunciato sul sito officiale e su twitter che si scioglierà il 26 Maggio 2016, dopo il live allo Zepp DiverCity.
I membri della band sono dispiaciuti di questo annuncio, speravano di arrivare al loro 10° anniversario ma purtroppo non sarà cosi.
Loro ringraziano per questi 8 anni passati insieme e ringraziano la band, perchè grazie ad essa sono cresciuti e gli ha regalato tante emozioni e soddisfazioni.
Ryoga ne suo messaggio si prende anche la responsabilità di questa decisione affermando che non c'è più la fiducia in se stesso come una volta e ne anche quella forza che avrebbe permesso di continuare con i BORN. Sembra che ci sia stato un tentativo di fargli cambiare idea ma alla fine, discutendone con gli altri membri si è ritenuta come unica soluzione lo stop della band.
Fino al giorno del 16 Maggio continueranno a dare il massimo per i loro fans, che ringraziano per tutto il supporto, poi per loro arriverà il momento di camminare avanti e guardare al futuro.
Unfortunately there is some sad news: the band BORN announced on the official website and on twitter that will disband 26 May 2016, after the live at Zepp DiverCity.
The band members are sad to this ad, they hoped to get to their 10th anniversary but unfortunately it will not be so.
They thank for these 8 years together and thank the band, because through they grew and they got so many emotions and satisfaction.
Ryoga in his message he also takes the responsibility for this decision stating that there is more confidence in himself as one time and neither that strength that would allow him to continue with BORN. It seems that there has been an attempt to change his mind but in the end, in discussion with the other members was considered as the only solution the stop of band.
Until the day of May 16 the members will continue to do my best for their fans, that they thank for all the support, then the time comes for them to walk forward and look to the future.
DOAK: Release news DEMO
DOAK hanno rilasciato due limited demo single "剥離(hakuri) DEMO ver." e "糸(ito) DEMO ver." durante il loro live del 17 Gennaio 2016 al Ikebukuro EDGE.
Inoltre è stato rilasciato anche "Judah DEMO ver." a chi avesse acquistato i sopra citati due demo insieme.
DOAK has released two limited demo singles "剥離 (hakuri) DEMO ver." and "糸 (ito) DEMO ver." During their live of January 17th, 2016 at Ikebukuro EDGE.
It was also released as "Judah DEMO ver." to those who had purchased the above mentioned two demos together.
Live limited edition "剥離 (hakuri)DEMO ver."
2016.01.17 RELEASE
1. 剥離 DEMO ver.
Live limited edition "糸 (ito)DEMO ver."
2016.01.17 RELEASE
1. 糸 DEMO ver.
Bonus 2 simultaneous purchase "Judah DEMO ver."
2016.01.17 RELEASE
1. Judah DEMO ver.
credits:official site
ELM: Announces new releases
エルム (elm) ha annunciato 2 nuovi rilasci: un singolo ed un album.
Il singolo "ナイトメア" (Nightmare) sarà disponibile in due versioni: La Limited Edition sarà rilasciato durante il loro live per 7° Anniversario al Tokyo Kinema Club il 18 Febbrario. La regular edition invece sarà disponibile dal 10 Marzo nei negozi online.
Il nuovo album, senza titolo ancora, è previsto per il 27 Aprile.
Ulteriori dettagli saranno annunciati in seguito.
エ ル ム (elm) has announced two new releases: a single and an album.
The single "ナ イ ト メ ア" (Nightmare) will be available in two versions: The Limited Edition will be released during their live for the seventh anniversary at the Tokyo Kinema Club on 18 Febrary. The regular edition will instead be available from March 10 in the online stores.
The new album, still untitled, is scheduled for April 27.
Further details will be announced later.
New Single 【ナイトメア】 (Nightmare)
Release : 2016.02.18
2.Living dead【ivy】
Release : 2016.03.10
1.ナイトメア (Nightmare)
2.Strawberry moon 【libido】
credits:official site
DIR EN GREY: Release new book
DIR EN GREY ha annunciato il rilascio di un nuovo book:『DIR EN GREY PLAYERS BOOK』.
Al suo interno ci sono le interviste al completo della band prese da 『DIR EN GREY GUITAR BOOK』,『DIR EN GREY BASS & DRUMS BOOK』e Mook.
Lunghe interviste di ogni membro,introduzione, biografia, discografia e foto da "Un deux" al rilascio dell' ultimo album "ARCHE".
Intanto la band sta preparando due giorni di live al Nippon Budokan.
Per maggiori info è stato creato un sito speciale per l'evento e hanno rilasciato su youtube uno spot
DIR EN GREY announced the release of a new book: 「DIR EN GREY PLAYERS BOOK」.
Inside there are interviews to complete the band taken by 「DIR EN GREY GUITAR BOOK」, 「DIR EN GREY BASS & DRUMS BOOK」 and Mook.
Extensive interviews of each member, introduction, biography, discography and photos from "A deux" to the release of 'last album "ARCHE".
Meanwhile, the band is preparing a two-day live at Nippon Budokan.
For more info it has created a special website for the event and they have released a commercial on youtube.
Release Date: February 5, 2016
A4-size variations,
116 page
¥ 1,900 (tax out)
Published: Shinko Music Entertainment
▼ "ARCHE" Nippon Budokan SPECIAL PAGE
▼ performance information
2016/02/05 -[Tokyo] Nippon Budokan
2016/02/06 - [Tokyo] Nippon Budokan
credits:official site
BORN: Release new single (UPDATE)
BORN will release on 10 February 2016 their new single『 SUICIDAL MARKET ~ Doze of Hope~』.
【Limited edition A】(CD+DVD)
01. SUICIDAL MARKET~Doze of Hope~
02. Recall the mind
[DVD] オルタナティヴ・タランチュラ TOUR FINAL DOCUMENT
【Limited Edition B】(CD+DVD)
01. SUICIDAL MARKET~Doze of Hope~
02. Recall the mind
【Regular Edition A】(CD)
01. SUICIDAL MARKET~Doze of Hope~
02. Recall the mind
【Regular Edition B】(CD)
01. SUICIDAL MARKET~Doze of Hope~
02. Recall the mind
03. 殉恋歌
credits:official site
New Band: Starku + 1st single
Oggi vi presentiamo una nuova band visual ス タ ア 区. (Starku). Hanno debuttato nel
Dicembre 2015, dal momento che il cantante Reno ed il bassista Kouta sono ex
membri di Cradle che sciolsero l'anno scorso.
Il prossimo mese il 3 febbraio sono già in procinto di rilasciare il loro primo singolo
intitolato 子 供 ROCK (Kodomo ROCK)!
Today we present a new visual band スタア区。(starku). They debuted back in
December 2015, since vocalist Reno and bassist Kouta are former
members of Cradle that disbanded last year.
Next month on February 3rd they are already going to release their first single
entitled 子供ROCK (kodomo ROCK)!
Vocalist Reno @RenoHiromaru
Guitarist Shin @sin_s_gt
Guitarist Satoshi @starkustoshi
Bassist Kouta @starkucota
Drummer Haru @starkuharu
Official Site
Official Youtube
Offical twitter @starku_neoberry
1st Single 子供ROCK (kodomo ROCK)
Release 3 February 2016
[First Press Limited Edition] [CD+DVD]
CD Tracklist:
M-1. 裏正義のマーチ(SE)
M-2. 子供ROCK
M-3. ビジュアルROCK
※ First Press minute sold out as soon as discontinued. No additional press
[Limited Edition] [CD Only]
CD Tracklist:
M-1. 裏正義のマーチ
M-2. 子供ROCK
M-3. ビジュアルROCK
credits: Jrock fan club
Wagakki Band: live DVD & Blu-ray
The band release a live DVD & Blu-ray of the annual New year's event "Wagakkiband Great New Year's Live 2016 Nippon Budokan -Akatsuki no Utage-" . Available in several versions on date 23 March 3026.
Included an individual Play number of each members!
All 8 members recorded respective another angle!
You can watch your favorite members !
The first Wagakkiband's "smapla" included!
*smapla is movie and music player for smart device and PC
Release Date: 2016-03-23 Code: AVBD-92308~9/B~C Price: 8,640 yen (tax included)
*Live performance movie and music in Nippon Budokan (2DVD) (2CD) and topical SP-movie and music perfect edition!
[First press bonus]
-Large-sized book case
-Trading card (11 type randomly)
-Special booklet
016th Jan 2016 live in Nippon Budokan Movie
016th Jan 2016 live in Nippon Budokan sound
Release Date: 2016-03-23 Code: AVXD-92310/B~C Price: 9,720 yen (tax included)
*Live performance movie and music in Nippon Budokan (Blu-ray) (2CD) and topical SP-movie and music perfect edition!
[First press bonus]
・-Large-sized book case
・-Trading card (11 type randomly)
・-Special booklet
016th Jan 2016 live in Nippon Budokan Movie
016th Jan 2016 live in Nippon Budokan sound
Release Date: 2016-03-23 Code: AVBD-92311~2 Price: 6,480 yen (tax included)
*Live performance movie in Nippon Budokan(2DVD) and topical SP-movie edition!
[First press bonus]
・-Large-sized book case
・-Trading card (11 type randomly)
・-Special booklet
016th Jan 2016 live in Nippon Budokan Movie
Release Date: 2016-03-23 Code: AVXD-92313 Price: 7,560 yen (tax included)
*Live performance movie in Nippon Budokan(Blu-ray) and topical SP-movie edition!
[First press bonus]
・-Large-sized book case
・-Trading card (11 type randomly)
・-Special booklet
016th Jan 2016 live in Nippon Budokan Movie
[Amazon Limited Edition/3DVD+SP-Movie]
Release Date: 2016-03-23 Code: AVB1-92314~6 Price: 9,504 yen (tax included)
*Live performance movie in Nippon Budokan(2DVD) and final performance of Wagakkiband 1st Japan Tour performed at Hibiya yagai dai ongakudo in 11th Oct 2015(1DVD)+SP-Movie Amazon limited edition!
016th Jan 2016 live in Nippon Budokan Movie
0111th Oct 2015 live in Hibiya yagai dai ongakudo Movie
[Amazon limited edition/2Blu-ray+SP-Movie]
Release Date: 2016-03-23 Code: AVX1-92317~8 Price: 10,584 yen (tax included)
*Live performance movie in Nippon Budokan(1Blu-ray) and final performance of Wagakkiband 1st Japan Tour performed at Hibiya yagai dai ongakudo in 11th Oct 2015(1Blu-ray)+SP-Movie Amazon limited edition!
016th Jan 2016 live in Nippon Budokan Movie
0111th Oct 2015 live in Hibiya yagai dai ongakudo Movie
[mu-mo shop FC ”Yaeryu” limited edition/4DVD+2Blu-ray+2CD+SP-Movie+SP-Music]
Release Date: 2016-03-23 Code: AVZ1-92319~2 Price: 14,040 yen (tax included)
*Live performance movie in Nippon Budokan(2DVD/Blu-ray) and live sound(2CD), a document of performed in Nippon Budokan(DVD), final performance of Wagakkiband 1st Japan Tour performed at Hibiya yagai dai ongakudo in 11th Oct 2015 (DVD/Blu-ray), topical SP-movie and music, photo book and 8 type picture label specification!
[Special edition]
-Special packages
-8 type picture label
-Special photo book
016th Jan 2016 live in Nippon Budokan Movie
0111th Oct 2015 live in Hibiya yagai dai ongakudo Movie
016th Jan 2016 live in Nippon Budokan document movie
016th Jan 2016 live in Nippon Budokan sound
016th Jan 2016 live in Nippon Budokan Movie
0111th Oct 2015 live in Hibiya yagai dai ongakudo Movie
mu-mo international
八重流-Yaeryu-SHOP Fan Club
Credits: Official site (eng)
venerdì 22 gennaio 2016
Mix Speaker's,Inc.: Release new single (NEW SPOT)
NIKA: anorexia chef
MIKI: Shelf expired chef
AYA: carnivorous waitress
keiji: poisoned sommelier
seek: decomposed chef
The S: too sweet pastry
Mix Speaker's,Inc. release new single 「ドクロKITCHEN」on 23 March 2016.
2,Boy meets December
credits:Official site
HERO: New Album (SPOT)
HERO announce of release their new album!
2016.2.10 Release!
CD only 11 songs
02.「Not Tittle」
03. カントリーロード (Country Road)
04. 光る指輪 大明神 (Hikaru yubiwa Daimyōjin)
06.「たった一つの花」(Tatta hitotsu no hana)
07.「風の中で...」(Kaze no naka de...)
08. Listen to me
09.「僕の作り方」(Boku no tsukurikata)
10.タオルの神様 (Taoru no kamisama)
11.「終わり」の歌 (`Owari' no uta)
credits:official site
Arlequin: New release (SPOT)
Arlequin will releaes new single in March in twoversion!
New single 「PARANOIA」
Release: 2016.3.02
【Limited Edition】
DISC1.(CD) 2 songs:
2. "untitled"
1「PARANOIA」-MV- & making off
【Regular Edition】
DISC1.(CD) 3 songs
2. "untitled"
3. "untitled"
*the titles of the other tracks will be announced later
credits:official site
martedì 19 gennaio 2016
HIGHFeeL: It will be active again
Dopo la scomprasa di Shota Yokoyama a novembre 2015, le attività della compagnia HIGHFeeL si era presa una pausa.
Oggi sulla pagina facebook Aurelie, la moglie di Shota, ha lasciato un messaggio che ne annuncia il ritorno alle attività tra Marzo e Aprile 2016, seguendo la pianificazione che era di Shota.
Tutti gli artisti annunciati e le collaborazioni preso sono confermate e Aurelie ringrazia ringrazia tutti i partner in Europa, USA e Giappone che la sostengono e aiutano a portare avanti il sogni di Shota.
Contiuate a seguire i loro aggiornamenti.
After the disappearance of Shota Yokoyama in November 2015, the activities of the company HIGHFeeL had taken a break.
Today page on facebook Aurelie, the wife of Shota, left a message that announces the return to activity between March and April 2016, following the schedule that was Shota.
All artists announced and collaborations taken are confirmed, and Aurelie thanks all partners in Europe, USA and Japan who support and help to carry forward the dreams of Shota.
Contiuate to follow their updates.
credits:highfeel official facebook
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