giovedì 30 giugno 2016
Full PV: Sukekiyo, ASTARIA, DOAK, Calmando Qual, MUCC, Mitsu, Wagakki Band
Sukekiyo - "12時20分金輪際" (12-Ji 20-bu konrinzai)
From 1st Single "ANIMA", released 26 April 2016
Sukekiyo - "anima"
From 1st Single "ANIMA", released 26 April 2016
1Coin Single Released 2015.12.06
DOAK- "inside Fear"
Single [inside Fear] Released 2016.04.30
Calmando Qual - "Monochrome"
maxi single [闇を貫く激情の輝き] release 30 January 2013
MUCC- "Heide" full video
New Single [Heide] released 15 June 2016
mitsu - For Myself (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)
1st Mini Album “DEEP ” released 2016.03.02
和楽器バンド(Wagakki Band) - " 千本桜 "( senbonsakura)
From 2nd album "Yasou emaki" released 2 September 2015
Calmando Qual,
Wagakki Band
GYZE: Announce guitar contes!!

Un interessante notizia per i fans dei GYZE e per tutti coloro che suonano una chitarra!!
Infatti i GYZE hanno indetto un concorso con chitarra!!
Le regole sono semplici:
* Sottoscrivere al loro canale YouTube : GYZEChannel
* Carica sul tuo canale YouTube il video in cui tu suoni "Nanohana" dei GYZE con la chitarra.
* Nella descrizione inserisci la Tag GYZE ed aggiungi i link della loro pagina Ufficiale di Fcebook e il loro Official Site.
*Invia l'URL del tuo video in un messaggio della pagina Facebook Ufficiale dei GYZE
E' possibile scaricare la TAB ufficiale di "Nanohana" (dall' album"Black Bride") cliccando su questo link!
Non ci sono requisiti particolari per il genere, video o registrazioni audio.
I Top 3 migliori concorrenti avranno la possibilità unica di svolgere un ruolo di doppia chitarra solista in una canzone per il nuovo album! Inoltre daranno ai vincitori crediti del libretto del CD.
Data del Concorso:
4 Giugno - 8 Agosto 2016
Link inviati prima delle ore 12:00 (JPN) dell 4 Giugno, e dopo le 11:59 (JPN) dell'8 Agosto, non saranno prese in considerazione
Auguriamo BUONA FORTUNA a tutti coloro che vorranno partecipare!!
An interesting news for fans of GYZE and for all those who play a guitar !!
In fact GYZE have held a guitar contest!!
Rules are simple:
*subscribe to their Official YouTube: GYZEChannel
*upload video of you playing Nanohana by GYZE on guitar on your YouTube channel
*in the discription tag Gyze and add links to official GYZE facebook and Official Website.
*send the URL link to your video in a message to GYZE Official Facebook
You can download original TABs for "Nanohana" (from album "Black Bride") by clicking the link !
There are no special requirements to genre, video or audio recordings.
Top 3 best contestants will get a unique chance to play a twin lead guitar part in a song for the upcoming new album! Moreover They'll give the winners credits in the CD booklet.
Contest dates:
June 4th - August 8th
Links sent before 12:00am (JPN) on June 4th, and after 11:59pm (JPN) on August 8th will not be considered.
We wish GOOD LUCK to all those who wish to participate !!
Credits: GYZE Official FB
Synk;yet: Release 2nd Full Album
Beautiful nes for Synk;yet' s fans!!
The band will release a new 2nd Full Album for the date of 31 August 2016 and the title is "罪咎の糸" (Tsumitoga no ito). The full album will be available with 2 types!
[Limited Edition A-TYPE] CD (14 songs input) + DVD / ¥ 3,564 (tax in) / GLSY-7A
♪ Track:
04.Melty kiss
08.Hysteric moon
01. 「絲」(Music Video)
[Limited Edition B-TYPE] CD (14 songs input) + DVD / ¥ 3,564 (tax in) / GLSY-7B
♪ Track:
04.Melty kiss
08.Hysteric moon
14.occult party
01. 「涙雨」(Music Video)
Synk; yet2nd FULL ALBUM Launch Sponsorship - new song preceding showcase Board -
7/13 (water) Takadanobaba AREA
OPEN:16:00 / START:16:30
Starring: Synk;yet / アヴァンチック(Avantchick / SAVAGE / SHIVA / MORRIGAN / Nihilizm / シュヴァルツカイン(Schwarz Kain) / ラヴェーゼ (labaiser)
※ Synk; yet 1st photo album pre-release!
2nd FULL ALBUM launch free 2 one-man performance decision! !
2016.8.1 (month) Umeda AKASO
OPEN: 17: 00 / START: 17: 45
Starring: Synk; yet
Cameo appearance: SHIVA
2016.8.8 (month) Shinjuku ReNY
OPEN: 14: 30 / START: 14: 45
Starring: Synk; yet
OA: シュヴァルツカイン (Schwarz Kain)
TETSUYA (L'Arc-En-Ciel): Release Two New Singles
Buone notizie per i fan di TETSUYA (L'Arc-En-Ciel)!
Si era già parlato di un doppio rilascio ma ora ci sono più dettagli.
Infatti l'artista andrà a rilasciare 2 nuovi singoli per il 7 Settembre, ed i titoli dei singoli sono "Make A Wish" e "Time Goes On -Awa no You ni- ".
La novità è che entrambi i singoli usciranno i 4 tipi: Deluxe Limited Edition, Limited Edition Type A, Limited Edition Type B, e Regular Edition.
Le due versioni Deluxe conterranno rispettivamente:
- "Make A Wish": un DVD con il video musicale della canzone "Make A Wish". Inoltre comprenderà anche un guscio e un porta cellulare originali e anche un volantino.
- "Time Goes On -Awa no You ni- ": un DVD con il video musicale di "Time Goes On" e comprenderà anche due tazze e un volantino
Potrete preordinare i vari CD anche su CD Japan!
Good news for fans of TETSUYA (L'Arc-En-Ciel)!!
Already there was talk of a double release but now there are more details.
In fact, the artist will release two new singles on September 7, and the titles of the 2 singles are "Make A Wish" and "Time Goes On -Awa no ni- You".
The novelty is that both singles will come out with 4 types: Deluxe Limited Edition, Limited Edition Type A, Type B Limited Edition and Regular Edition.
The two deluxe versions will contain respectively:
- "Make A Wish": a DVD with the music video of the song "Make A Wish". In addition it will also include an original mobile phone case/card case and a flyer
- "Time Goes On -Awa no ni- You": a DVD with the music video for "Time Goes On" and will also include two mugs and a flyer
You can pre-order the various CDs on CD Japan!
Make A Wish [Deluxe Limited Edition] (¥4,600)
1) Make a Wish
2) lonely girl (Jazzin’park Remix)
3) Make a Wish -Instrumental-
[DVD] + Includes Phone/card case
1) Make a Wish (Music Clip)
Make A Wish [Limited Edition Type A] (¥1,600)
1) Make a Wish
2) lonely girl (Jazzin’park Remix)
3) Make a Wish -Instrumental-
1) Make a Wish (Music Clip)
*Purchase it on CDJapan
Make A Wish [Limited Edition Type B] (¥1,600)
1) Make a Wish
2) lonely girl (Jazzin’park Remix)
3) Make a Wish -Instrumental-
1) TETSUYA LIVE 2012“THANK YOU”(2012.10.3渋谷公会堂)より「EDEN」/「wonderful world」ライヴ映像
*Purchase it on CDJapan
Make A Wish [Regular Edition] (¥1,000)
1) Make a Wish
2) lonely girl (Jazzin’park Remix)
3) Make a Wish -Instrumental-
*Purchase it on CDJapan
Time goes on ~Awa no You ni~ [Deluxe Limited Edition] (¥4,600)
[CD] + Includes 2 mugs + flyer
1) Time goes on ~泡のように~
2) lonely girl (DE DE MOUSE winter path mix)
3) Time goes on ~泡のように~ -Instrumental-
1) Time goes on ~泡のように~ (Music Clip)
*Purchase it on CDJapan
Time goes on ~Awa no You ni~ [Limited Edition Type A] (¥1,600)
1) Time goes on ~泡のように~
2) lonely girl (DE DE MOUSE winter path mix)
3) Time goes on ~泡のように~ -Instrumental-
1) Time goes on ~泡のように~ (Music Clip)
*Purchase it on CDJapan
Time goes on ~Awa no You ni~ [Limited Edition Type B] (¥1,600)
1) Time goes on ~泡のように~
2) lonely girl (DE DE MOUSE winter path mix)
3) Time goes on ~泡のように~ -Instrumental-
1) TETSUYA LIVE 2012“THANK YOU”(2012.10.3渋谷公会堂)より「Are you ready to ride?」/「蜃気楼」ライヴ映像
*Purchase it on CDJapan
Time goes on ~Awa no You ni~ [Regular Edition] (¥1,000)
1) Time goes on ~泡のように~
2) lonely girl (DE DE MOUSE winter path mix)
3) Time goes on ~泡のように~ -Instrumental-
*Purchase it on CDJapan
Credits: Official site & VKH
Misaruka: Other New Releases (Update Spot PV)

Come era stato annunciato i MISARUKA hanno rilasciato il loro nuovo mini album [-Floride umbra-] a Maggio ma per la band sono pronti altre tre nuove uscite.
Il primo rilasciato ancora a Maggio è un CD collaborativo intitolato 「闇姫会 東京編」(`Anki-kai Tōkyō-hen') con UNDER FALL JUSTICE che contiene due tracce.
Il secondo riguarda un il DVD con le riprese del live del 10 Maggio all' Ikebukuro CYBER che sarà rilasciato a Giugno.
Infine il terzo è un nuovo singolo, compreso di due tracce, previsto per Luglio che sarà disponibile simultaneamente in 11 versioni. Il Tipo A sarà distribuito a livello internazionale e nel Tipo C ci sarà la possibilità trovare un biglietto gratuito per il oneman live allo Shinjuku Reny.
As had been announced MISARUKA have released their new mini album [-Floride umbra-] in May but the band are ready three other new releases.The first still released May is a collaborative CD titled 「闇 姫 会 東京 編」 (`Anki-kai Tokyo-hen ') with FALL UNDER JUSTICE containing two tracks.
The second is a DVD with footage of the live May 10 at 'Ikebukuro CYBER that will be released in June.
Finally, the third is a new single, comprised of two tracks, projected July that will be available simultaneously in 11 versions. The Type A will be distributed internationally and in type C there will be a chance to find a free ticket for the one-man live at Shinjuku Reny.
UNDER FALL JUSTICE × Misaruka collaborative CD「闇姫会 東京編」
2016.5.19 Released
01. なら僕は異常でいい。/ UNDER FALL JUSTICE feat. rui
02. -Rosary— / Misaruka feat. 愛郎 (Airou)
Misaruka Live DVD「2016.05.10 Ikebukuro CYBER -Floride umbra-」
2016.6.20 release
01. -Curse of Contract-
02. -Misty-
03. -Unacceptable-
04. -Rogation-
05. -Maria-
06. -Juliet-
07. -What do you want?-
08. -この歌よソラへ届け-
09. -Sin-
10. -Rosary-
Misaruka New single [-Reunion-]
2016.7.13 Release
01. -Reunion-
02. -Medousa-
Type A (national distribution Edition)
Type B (rui&rin version)
Type C (rui&azami version)
Type D (rui&vetchie version)
Type E (rin&sawah version)
Type F (rin&vetchie version)
Type G (sawah&azami version)
Type H (sawah&vetchie version)
Type I (rui&sawah version)
Type J (rin&azami version)
Type K (azami&vetchie version)
credits:official site
mercoledì 29 giugno 2016
Wagakki Band: Announce New US Tour " 衝撃–DEEP IMPACT-"
Una bella notizia per i fans degli Stati Uniti!
Sulla scia del successo ottenuto agli eventi all' Irving Plaza di New York e SXSW e del sold out del tour primaverile in Giappone, Wagakki Band tornerà ancora negli Stati Uniti, per 3 spettacoli in California!
Per il loro grande successo Album “Yasoemaki” è disponibile su iTunes in US e Spotify in US, Canada e Mexico
Good news for fans of the United States!
Afeter the success of the events at Irving Plaza of New York and SXSW and Sold Out Spring Tour in Japan, Wagakki Band will come back in the United States, for 3 shows in California!
For their highly successful, Album “Yasoemaki” is available on US at iTunes and Spotify in US, Canada and Mexico
■ Tuesday, July 12 Los Angeles (Club Bahia)
:GA (ADV $25,DOOR $30) VIP $75
■ Thursday, July 14 San Diego(Hose Of Blues)
:GA(ADV $25,DOOR $27.50),VIP $65,The second floor $45
■ Saturday, July 16 San Francisco (The Fillmore)
:GA $25,VIP $75
[Ticket Sales Schedule]
■(Pre-sale) ※Ticketmaster/ Pre-sale
Start Date : Wednesday, May 18, 2016 10:00am
End Date : Thursday, May 19, 2016 10:00pm
Credits: Official site
Psycho le Cemu: First Full Album in 10 Years!
Dopo il rilascio del singolo 「大江戸旅ガラス」(Ooedo tabigarasu) avvenuto il 25 Maggio, la band ha annunciato che andrà a rilasciare il loro 1° Full Album dopo 10 anni!!
L'album si chiamerà "NOW AND THEN ~THE WORLD~" e sarà disponibile per 17 Agosto 2016, inoltre sarà limitato a sole 5.000 copie!
L'album sarà composto di 12 canzoni, tra cui "Akiramenai DAYS", "Ooedo tabigarasu", "Kiseki wo Shiru Bokuraha Gosenfu ni Saku Kibō wo Utau", e "BLADE DANCE" più canzoni nuove e ri-registrate.
Ogni copia del CD conterrà anche 1 gomma speciale, a scelta casuale, con le sembianze dei membri della band.
Per preordinare la vostra copia, potete controllare il sito di CD Japan!
Altri dettagli della tracklist o della cover non sono ancora disponibili.
After the release of the single 「大江 戸 旅 ガ ラ ス」 (Ooedo tabigarasu) on date May 25, the band announced the release of their 1st Full Album after 10 years !!
The album will be called "NOW AND THEN ~THE WORLD~" and will be available on August 17, 2016, it will also be limited to only 5,000 copies!
The album will consist of 12 songs, including "Akiramenai DAYS", "Ooedo tabigarasu", "Kiseki wo Shiru Bokuraha Gosenfu ni Saku Kibō wo Utau", and "BLADE DANCE" and with new and re-recorded songs.
Each copy of the CD will contain a figure-shaped eraser randomly selected from five mambers
To pre-order your copy, you can check the CD Japan site!
Other details of the tracklist or cover are not available yet.
Now And Then -The World- [Limited Edition- 5,000 copies]
Release 17 August 2016
[CD 12 songs + a figure-shaped eraser randomly selected from five kinds.]
Credits: Official site
liraizo: New 5th single
liraizo (リライゾ) have announced for the summer their new 5th single!
The name is "SETSUNAスリップ" (SETSUNA Slip) and it will go out for August 3, 2016, and it will come with a CD and a DVD.
The DVD will have the music video of the single and the CD will come with 2 songs.
5th single"SETSUNAスリップ"
Release August 3, 2016.
02.タイトル未定 (Title To Be Determined)
Credits: Official site
Devil Kitty: First Single + tour (Spot)
Devil Kitty released their 1st single, called 「夢幻回帰」(Mugen kaiki), on date 18 May 2016.
CD 2 songs
Devil Kitty nnational tour
「天魔降伏猫感嘆劇」(`tenmakōfuku neko kantan geki')07 May 11 (Monday) SUSUKINO 810
07 May 13 (Wednesday) spaceZero
07 May 14 (Thursday) Mito SONIC
07 May 16 (Saturday) Shinjuku club SCIENCE
08 May 06 (Saturday) Urawa Narcisse
08 May 13 (Saturday) Shinjuku club SCIENCE
08 May 24 (Wednesday) GOLDEN PIGS BLACKSTAGE
08 May 25 (Thursday) Kanazawa AZ
09 October 10 (Saturday) sound shop AFTERBEAT
09 May 11 (Sunday) HOLIDAYOSAKA
09 May 12 (Monday) Kobe Mersey beat
October 05 (Wed.) Takasaki CLUB FLEEZ
October 23 (Sunday) Odawara figure beauty
October 26 (Wed.) Kashiwa 616
November 13 (Sunday) HOLIDAY NEXT NAGOYA
November 14 (Monday) Hamamatsu MESCALIN DRIVE
December 05 (Monday) Okayama CRAZYMAMA 2nd Room
December 06 (Tuesday) Hiroshima Cave-Be
December 07 (Wednesday) Fukuoka graf
December 13 (Wednesday) Shinjuku BLAZE
Credits:Official Youtube
THE EGOIST: First Single ( preview songs)
THE EGOIST release their 1st single, called "RED ACHE", for the date 13 July 2016.
It will be available in 2 types!
Credits: Official site & Official YouTube
HIZAKI: Solo album
HIZAKI release his guitar instrumental album through Warner Music Japan on Wednesday in August .
Solo Album「Rosario」
Release 2016.5.31
[First Press Limited Edition CD + DVD]
[Disc1: CD]
1,Grace and Dignity
2,Dark Classical
4,Desert Apple
5,fly through the air
6,Eien no Tomoshibi
7,Church Candle
8,Race Wish
11,Beating the sky
12,Rose Quartz
13,A ray of light
[Disc2: DVD]
· MV 「Grace and Diginity」
· MV Making of
[Regular Edition CD]
1,Grace and Dignity
2,Dark Classical
4,Desert Apple
5,fly through the air
6,Eien no Tomoshibi
7,Church Candle
8,Race Wish
11,Beating the sky
12,Rose Quartz
13,A ray of light
credits:Hizaki FB
martedì 28 giugno 2016
V [NEU] : Info ex-members
hixro ha pubblicato il suo ultimo blog come membro di v[NEU] dove ha ripercorso in breve la storia del gruppo, ricordando il periodo trascorso e la gratitudine di tutto il supporto ricevuto.
Inoltre riporta le info riguardante le attività intraprese da lui e i suoi compagni.
hixro has released his latest blog as a member of v [NEU] where he briefly traced the history of the group, recalling the time spent and the gratitude of all received support.
Also reports the details about the activities undertaken by him and his companions.
Also reports the details about the activities undertaken by him and his companions.
『Thank you for all νfreak...!!』
Vo.みつ (Mitsu)
Ha iniziato l'attività da solista.
Dopo aver rilasciato gia un singolo e un mini album, il 20 Luglio 2016 rilascerà il suo secondo singolo 『エトリア』(Etolia)
He began his solo activities.
Having already released a single and a mini album, July 20, 2016 will release his second single 「エ ト リ ア」 (Etolia)
http://www.mitsu-official.comHe began his solo activities.
Having already released a single and a mini album, July 20, 2016 will release his second single 「エ ト リ ア」 (Etolia)
Gu,タクミ (Takumi)
E' in attività come solista.
Da maggio 2016, con la Stardust, ha fatto il suo debutto come 「3doors」
Gruppo di tre membri ha gia rilasciato delle canzoni che possono essere ascoltati su youtube.
He is active as a soloist.
From May 2016, the Stardust, he made his debut as 「3DOORS」
three-member group has already released songs that can be listened to on youtube.
He is active as a soloist.
From May 2016, the Stardust, he made his debut as 「3DOORS」
three-member group has already released songs that can be listened to on youtube.
Gu.華遊 (Kayuu)&Dr.Rei
Da febbraio in Shinjuku, gestiscono un locale chiamato -niju- 「廿」, dove servono riso e sake deliziosi.
Since February in Shinjuku, they have a club called -niju- 「廿」, where they serve delicious rice and sake.
Since February in Shinjuku, they have a club called -niju- 「廿」, where they serve delicious rice and sake.
Ora gestisce e lavora come estetista in un salone di bellezza privato di nome 「LIly」in Shibuya.
Now he manages and works as a beautician in a private beauty salon named 「Lily」 in Shibuya.
Now he manages and works as a beautician in a private beauty salon named 「Lily」 in Shibuya.
sabato 25 giugno 2016
Yoshiki: Produces visual kei girl band
YOSHIKI ha annunciato un nuovo progetto che aveva in mente da molto e finalmente diventa realtà.
Ora diventerà produttore di una band visual kei al femminile che si chiamerà Lady's X, dove tutti i membri verranno scelti tramite provino.
Le ragazze di questa band avranno poi il loro debutto in un live tutto interamente organizzato da YOSHIKI.
Il modello sostanzialmente è voce, chitarra, basso batteria e piano, quasi sulla struttura dei X JAPAN. Possono partecipare tutte le ragazze maggiori di 12 anni.
Per partecipare basterà seguire le istruzione di iscrizione sul sito e le audizioni varranno seguite anche in onda su "Mezamashi TV", famoso programma della Fuji TV.
Il tempo massimo per inviare le proprie candidature è il 31 Dicembre 2016 e il 7 gennaio 2017 verrà mandata una notifica del risultato.
Per maggiori info sui requisiti
【Official Site】
YOSHIKI announced a new project he had in mind for a long, and at last come true.
Now he will become a manufacturer of visual kei girls band which will be called Lady's X, where all members will be chosen by audition.
The girls of this band will then have their debut in a live throughout entirely organized by YOSHIKI.
The model is essentially voice, guitar, bass, drums and piano, almost on the structure of X JAPAN. May attend all the girls over 12 years.
To participate simply follow the registration instructions on the site and the auditions will be also follow aired on "Mezamashi TV", the famous Fuji TV program.
The maximum time to send their applications is December 31, 2016 and January 7, 2017 will be sent a notification of the result.
For more information about requirements
Per maggiori info sui requisiti
【Official Site】
RAVE: Release new single (Update)
rave announces new single for July!
NEW SINGLE 『ナミダヒロイン』("namida heroine")
Release Date: 2016 July 13
[First Press Limited Edition A] (CD + DVD)
01.ナミダヒロイン ( namida heroine )
02.鬱悶の情( utsumon no jou)
ナミダヒロインMV+ making off
[First Press Limited Edition B] (CD + DVD)
01.ナミダヒロイン ( namida heroine )
02.嘘 (uso)
[Regular Edition] (CD)
01.ナミダヒロイン ( namida heroine )
02.鬱悶の情 ( utsumon no jou)
03.嘘 (uso)
credits:official site
Kuroyuri to Kage: New Mini Album
Dopo la divisione dall'etichetta AINS la band Kuroyuri to Kage aveva rassicurato che avrebbero continuato il loro cammino e cosi stanno facendo, infatti hanno annunciato un nuovo rilascio.
Si tratta di un nuovo mini album intitolato "Zouki no Nozokiana" (臓器のノゾキ穴。) e sarà disponibile dal 10 Agosto.
After the division from the label AINS the band Kuroyuri to Kage had assured that they would continue their journey and so they are doing, in fact, have announced a new release.
It is a new mini album titled "Zouki no Nozokiana" (臓 器 の ノ ゾ キ 穴.) And will be available from 10 August.
Mini Album "Zouki no Nozokiana"
Release 10 August 2016
01.チョコレート階段 (Chocolate Kaidan)
03.液状部屋 (Ekijou Heya)
04.絶倫フルコース (Zetsurin Full Course)
06.すてきな唄。(Suteki na Uta)
creditsofficial site
G.L.A.M.S : Now tour in South America
Mikaru con il suo progetto G.L.A.M.S. torna in tour tra Agosto e Settembre in Sud America.
Il tour si intitolerà DARKNESS BRIGHT e con lui ci saranno il batterista Syu (Denka) e chitarrista Erina .
L'immagine sul sito di Tour Hell riporta la scritta "G.L.A.M.S - Distraught Overlord TRIBUTE 2016" quindi è probabile che si ascolteranno anche le canzoni dei DIO.
Su Facebook c'è anche un video messaggio :video
Mikaru with his project G.L.A.M.S. back on tour between August and September in South America.
The tour will be titled DARKNESS BRIGHT and with him will be the drummer Syu (Denka) and Erina guitarist.
The image on the Tour Hell website says "G.L.A.S.S - Distraught Overlord TRIBUTE 2016" then there is the chances of hear the songs of DIO.
On Facebook there is also a video message:video
credits:Mikaru FB
Synk;yet: Covers by 莉希-liki- on YouTube
Sul canale YouTube dei Synk;yet, il Vo. 莉希-liki- ha aperto una playlist con video dove lui fa le cover di varie canzoni famose di altrettante famose band giapponesi.
(es: L’Arc~en~Ciel, Acid Black Cherry, Dolly, Dir En Grey, DIAURA e altri)
Sotto trovate alcuni video, per tutta la lista completa questo è il link: 莉希-liki-が歌ってみた
On the YouTube channel of Synk; yet, il Vo. 莉希 -liki- opened a playlist with video in which he makes the cover of a several popular songs of many famous Japanese band.
(examples: L’Arc~en~Ciel, Acid Black Cherry, Dolly, Dir En Grey, DIAURA and more)Below there are some videos, for the complete list this is the link : 莉希-liki-が歌ってみた
Credits: @Synkyet_Liki
GUTS AND DEATH: Dr. Yudai leave

Il batterista YD (Yudai) lascerà il progetto creato con Yusa e Yusei il giorno 30 Luglio dopo il live intitolato GnD Presents「SAYONARA YD」.
Non sono state rilasciate ulteriori informazioni riguardo a questa decisione.
More information regarding this decision have not been released
The LOTUS: Gt. Rian leave
Il chitarrista Rian ha deciso che lascerà la band The LOTUS dopo il live del 25 Settembre.
Nelle discussioni tra i membri è risultato fuori il diverso punto di vista sul futuro delle attività cosi sono arrivati alla triste conclusione di separarsi.
La band si scusa per l'annuncio improvviso e comunica che l'attività continuerà con i quattro restanti membri.
The guitarist Rian has decided that he will leave the band The LOTUS after the live of September 25.
In discussions between the members turned out different point of view on the future of the activities so they have come to the sad conclusion to separate.
The band apologizes for the sudden announcement and stated that the activities will continue with the four remaining members.
credits:official site
martedì 21 giugno 2016
Scarlet Valse: New member
Il 6 Giugno è stato ultimo live del batterista Hiroki con i Scarlet Valse ma qualche giorno dopo è stato annunciato ufficialmente l'entrata del nuovo membro.
Yo-hey, gia membro dei Pan-d-ra, sarà il nuovo batterista e lo potete gia vedere nelle nuove foto rilasciate dalla bande con lui continueranno le prossime attività.
Lasciamo il link del suo account twitter per seguirlo.
On June 6 was the last live of drummer Hiroki with Scarlet Valse but a few days later it was officially announced the entry of new member.
Yo-hey, already a member of the Pan-d-ra, will be the new drummer and you can already see him in the new pictures released by the band and with him will continue the next activity.
We leave the link of his twitter account for follow him.
Twitter @Yo_heySV
credits:official site
IGGY:Release 1st Mini Album
La band IGGY (formata da bassista Allen, dal chitarrista Lyuca, dal cantante Souma, dal chitarrista JOE e dal batterista Loa) ha iniziato la sua attività solo a Ottobre dell'anno scorso e sta per rilasciare gia il suo primo mini album!
Il mini album 「BONEZ」sarà disponibile in una sola versione.
La band ha comunque rilasciato in precedenza un download gratuito intitolato 「INSTALL」(composto da 4 tracce) e per chi vuole ascoltarlo lo trova a questo link:
The band IGGY (consisting of bassist Allen, from Lyuca guitarist, singer from Souma, from JOE guitarist and drummer from Loa) started its activities only in October last year and will release his first mini-album already!
The mini album 「BONEZ」 will be available in only one version.
The band however previously released a free download called 「INSTALL」 (consisting of 4 tracks) and for those who want to listen, find it at this link:
Official Site
Official Twitter
1st Mini Album「BONEZ」
2016.6.29 Release
M-1. 心臓
M-3. S.A.
M-5. iCON-イコン-
M-6. 覇羅蜜多
M-7. サイレン
credits: Twitter
Vexent: Intro and Release 3rd Single
La band Vexent ha iniziato la sua attività l'estate scorsa con il debutto all'Ikebukuro RUIDO K3 e i membri sono, iniziando da sinistra, bassista ゆいと (Yuito) ex. GLEIVE. il batterista レビ (Levi) ex. 2nd Dyz, il cantante 真虎 (Mako), il chitarrista 未来 (Mirai) e il chitarrista 燈華 (Touka) ex.,
I ragazzi hanno già rilasciato un debut single intitolato [Omega] il 2 Novembre del 2015 e il 2° singolo intitolato [ARTERY] , uscito il 2 Marzo 2016.
Ora hanno annunciato il loro 3°singolo [THE FATES] che sarà disponibile da 27 Luglio in due versioni.
The band Vexent began its activities last summer with the debut at Ikebukuro RUIDO K3 and the members are, starting from left, bassist ゆ い と (Yuito) ex. GLEIVE. drummer レ ビ (Levi) ex. 2nd DYZ, the singer 真 虎 (Mako), guitarist 未来 (Mirai) and guitarist 燈 華 (Touka) ex.,
The boys have already released a debut single entitled [Omega] 2 November 2015 and the 2nd single titled [ARTERY], released March 2, 2016.
Now they have announced their 3rd single [THE FATES] which will be available from July 27th in two versions.
Official Site
Official Youtube Channel
Official Twitter
Twitter @vexent_mako
Twitter @Vexent_LEVI
Twitter @vexent_yuito
Twitter @Vexent_Mirai
Twitters @vexent_toka
■ 3rd Single 「THE FATES」
Release 2016.7.27
-DISC 1-
02.Stupid Pain
-DISC 2-
「THE FATES」 -Music Clip-
-DISC 1-
02.Stupid Pain
OMEGA full video
ARTERY full video
THE FATES full video
Jin-Machine: Release New Single
Jin-Machine release new single in 4 versions!
The tracks are not yet available.
New Single『†夏☆大好き!ヴィジュアル系†』
(† natsu ☆ daisuki! visual kei †)
Release 3 August 2016
Limited(宇治金時盤)Uji Kintoki Edition
※title track + two songs + karaoke three songs + Talk
※coupling and talk, "Uji Kintoki Edition" only the contents of recording
Live of February 28th at Akasaka BLITZ『おげれつ戦国ハナクソ相撲~優勝決定戦~』
Limited(いちご練乳盤 ) Ichigo Rennyuu Edition
※title track + two songs + karaoke three songs + Talk
※coupling and talk, recording the contents of the " Ichigo Rennyuu Edition" only
Live of February 28th at Akasaka BLITZ『おげれつ戦国ハナクソ相撲~優勝決定戦~』
Camera recording chased one member (one by each member two songs, all 10 songs)
Regular(ブルーハワイ盤) Blue Hawaii Edition
※ title track + one song + karaoke two songs + Talk
※coupling and talk, recording the contents of the "Blue Hawaii Edition"
Regular(みぞれ盤)Mizore Edition
※Title song + Talk
※talk recording the contents of the "Mizore Edition" only
credits:official site
The Raid.: Two New Releases (Update)
The Raid., dopo l'abbandono del bassista Iori, si sono avvalsi per i live di bassisti di supporto ma finalmente è stata annunciata ufficialmente l'entrata del bassista Tenshi per il 6/1 allo TSUTAYA O-WEST.
Inoltre annunciano due nuove uscite: Il singolo "yanderu kimi ni okuru uta" in sede limitata e il maxi singolo 「Re:born」(in 5 versioni). Sotto trovate le info dei rilasci.
The Raid., after the departure of bassist Iori, have used for live support bassists but finally was officially announced the entry of bassist Tenshi for 6/1 to TSUTAYA O-WEST.
Also announcing two new releases: The single "yanderu kimi ni okuru uta" limited seat and maxi single 「Re: born」 (in 5 versions). Below is the details of the releases.
Ba. Tenshi Official Twitter-> @theRaid_tenshi
Venue Limited Single
病んでる君に贈る歌 (yanderu kimi ni okuru uta)
2016.6.1 Release
1.病んでる君に贈る歌 (yanderu kimi ni okuru uta)
2.Title To Be Determined
病んでる君に贈る歌(yanderu kimi ni okuru uta) &MAKINGCLIP
New Single「Re:born」
2016.7.27 5type Release!!
【DVD】Re:born(MV)& MAKING & choreography course
【CD】1.Re:born 2. Title TBD A 3.Re:born(instrumental) 4. Title TBD A(instrumental)
【CD】1.Re:born 2.Title TBD A 3.Title TBD B 4.Re:born(instrumental) 5Title TBD.A(instrumental) 6.Title TBD B(instrumental)
【CD】1.Re:born 2.Title TBD A 3.Title TBD C 4.Re:born(instrumental) 5.Title TBD A(instrumental) 6 Title TBD C(instrumental)
【CD】1.Re:born 2. Title TBD A 3.Title TBD D 4.Re:born(instrumental) 5.Title TBD A(instrumental) 6.Title TBD D(instrumental)
【DVD】2016.6.1 O-WESTワンマンLIVE映像
【CD】1.Re:born 2.Title TBD A 3.Re:born(instrumental) 4.Title TBD A(instrumental)
SPOT "yanderu kimi ni okuru uta"
new look
preview [Re:born]
credits:official site
sabato 18 giugno 2016
MEJIBRAY: New single and DVD
Dual release in a short time for MEJIBRAY!
In fact, for the month of September is provided for the relese of a single, title "羽花" and a Live DVD, title "THE END to be or not to be TOUR FINAL at 赤坂BLITZ".
18th Single 「羽花」
Release 2 November 2016
【Limited Type A】CD 2songs+DVD
1.羽花 (uka)
2.欲槽(yoku sou)
「羽花」Music Video
Pre-order @CDJapan
【Limited Tipe B】CD 2songs+DVD
2.欲槽(yoku sou)
「2016/6/10•11 赤坂BLITZ Encore」ライブ映像
Pre-order @CDJapan
【Regular Edition】
CD 3songs
1.羽花 (uka)
2.欲槽(yoku sou)
Pre-order @CDJapan
DVD 「THE END to be or not to be TOUR FINAL at 赤坂BLITZ」
Release 7th September 2016
Pre-order @CDJapan
SE:猛毒 (moudoku)
3、蜈蚣 (mukade)
4、Invisible Tower maker
SE:天地創造-黒い雨- (tenchi souzou -kuroi ame-)
6、呼吸 (kokyuu)
7、悲哀 (hiai)
8、盈虧 (eiki)
9、DECADENCE - Counting Goats … if I can’t be yours -
11、月食 (gesshoku)
12、原罪の林檎 (genzai no ringo)
13、サバト (sabato)
14、Negator NEGATOR
15、シアトリカル・ブルーブラック (theatrical blue black)
SE:猛毒 (moudoku)
1、羽花 (uka)
4、マダリ (madari)
SE:天地創造-黒い雨- (tenchi souzou -kuroi ame-)
7、人間 (ningen)
9、ネペンテス (nepenthes)
11、嘘と愚行 -それもまた人間らしいって神様は笑ってるの- (uso to gukou -sore mo mata ningenrashi itte kamisama wa waratteru no-)
12、枷と知能 -それってとても人間らしいって神様は笑ってるの- (kase to chinou -sore tte totemo ningenrashi itte kamisama wa waratteru no-)
15、カルマ-瓦礫のマンティコーラース- (karma -gareki no mantikouraasu-)
Credits:Official site
Twins☆ : Release 0th single (Preview songs)
As announced in the previous post, the Twins☆ will have 5 projects for this year and among these there is the release of their 0th single.
Now there are the details.
0th single「Twins☆×V-last.」
2016.7.6 Release
DOG in the POW: New Single
New release for DOG inTheパラレルワールドオーケストラ (DOG inThePWO)!!!
The band will go to release a new single, called " 7th Wonder" and this is the first release of DOG inThePWO's new project "Love" .
The release date is July 13, 2016 and will be available in 3 versions.
At the moment there aren't info on the tracks and the cover.
Limited Edition Type A
*Pre-order at CDJapan
Limited Edition Type B
*Pre-order at CDJapan
Regular Edition
CD Only
*Pre-order at CDJapan
As you can see, the single is available for pre-order on CDJapan but for those who buy all three types in order (type A, B and Regular edition), CDJapan will also send to you the magazine "DOG Tsushin vol. 0.96" along with your order!
Credits: Official site & CDJapan
mercoledì 15 giugno 2016
Full PV: ZIN, SHIVA, Arlequin, Avanchinck, GRIEVA, The Gallo,nüe
Zin - "病ミ彼レ" (Yamai mi are re) PV
7th Single "Yamai mi are re" Released 18 May 2016
SHIVA - "Messiah" PV
1st Mini Album 「救世主-メシア−」(Kyuseishu - Messiah - ) Released 18 May 2016
Arlequin - "PARANOIA" PV
2nd Full Album「Utopia」Released 2016.6.08
Avanchick- 他人の不幸は蜜の味 (tanin no fukou wa mitsu aji) PV
5th Maxi single "tanin no fukou wa mitsu aji" Release 30 Mrach 2016
Grieva- 希望ト夜 (Kibou to yoru) PV
3rd FULL ALBUM ” konton no hako” Release 2016.05.11
Grieva - 幻影Syndrome
3rd FULL ALBUM ” konton no hako” Release 2016.05.11
New album "DIAVOLO" released March 2, 2016.
The Gallo - Belial
New album "DIAVOLO" released March 2, 2016.
nüe [深海] (Shinkai) PV
mini album [mother] released on 9 December 2015
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