mercoledì 30 dicembre 2015

FULL PV: Arlequin, VELVET EDEN, Jin-Machine

Arlequin - "Douke no hana" Full PV
5th single "Douke no Hana" (道化ノ華) released on 2015.6.03

VELVET EDEN - "One Caress" full video
1st best album [Double Twelve] released February 26, 2014

Jin-Machine - "Gorilla" full pv
maxi single "ゴリラ"released on 2015/09/30

Jin_Machine: Announces new single

After maxi single "Gorilla", Jin-Machine announces that will release its new single "NEVER SAY NEVER" in three different types on 27 January  2016.

Type A 
04.NEVER SAY NEVER(instrumental)

Type B 
02.super happy (スーパーハッピー)
03.NEVER SAY NEVER(instrumental)
04.super happy (スーパーハッピー) (instrumental)
05.happy talk (ハッピートーク)

Type C 

credits:official site

XMAS: New single on iTunes & Amazon (France)

La band sta andando a rilasciare dal 24 Dicembre 2015 il loro nuovo singolo "THE GIFT" in tutto il mondo attraverso iTunes e Amazon (Francia).
Insieme al singolo altri due brani ("OUTCOME" e "foam") sono rilasciati simultaneamente.
La band dà questo annuncio attraverso Facebook e fanno sapere che rilasceranno presto notizie sulla lyrics, sempre attraverso il social.

The band is going to release from 24 December 2015 their new single "THE GIFT" worldwide through iTunes and Amazon (France).
With the single other two songs ("OUTCOME" and "foam") are released simultaneously.
The band gives this info through Facebook and they soon will release news on lyrics, always through the social.



Credits: Official Facebook


Vocal: kai (丐) (ex-Anfang-->VOID-->NOCTSCURE)
Guitar: Nihit (ex-DOGMA-->REDRUM(Hyuga))
Bass: rushi (ルシ) (ex-TRaiL)
Drums: 39 (saku) (ex-VAASTU)

KILLANETH (キルアネス)è una nuova visual kei band annunciata proprio in questi giorni, il 29 Dicembre 2015.
In questa band ci sono volti già noti provenienti d'altrettanto band conosciute.

La band ha annunciato l'uscita del loro primo singolo, chiamato 『セラフ。』(Seraph.) e sarà disponibile dal 17 Febbraio 2016 in 2 versioni.
Parteciperanno inoltre al loro primo Two-Men Live,  - KILLANETH×Lydiar 2-man live "偽ディオニシウスの鬱ぎ" presso Ikebukuro EDGE il 2016/02/25.

KILLANETH (キ ル ア ネ ス) is a new visual kei band announced in recent days, December 29, 2015.
In this band there are already known faces from equally known bands.

The band announced the release of their first single, called 『セラフ。』 (Seraph.) and it will be available from February 17, 2016 in two versions.
They will also take part in their first Two-Men Live, - KILLANETH×Lydiar 2-man live "偽ディオニシウスの鬱ぎ" at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2016/02/25.


Twitter Profile
Vo.丐     @KILLANETH_Kai
Dr.39    @KILLANETH_39

『セラフ。』 (Seraph.)
Release 17 February 2016.

Regula Edition (CD Only)

Limited Edition (CD + DVD)

セラフ。Music Clip

Credits: Official site

Info Band: X Made Alcoholic Santaclaus

CHARLIE_Gt (ex.STUD) / Birth: Feb28.1983
MASAYA_Gt (ex.STAB) / Birth: Aug20.1987
yu-ta_Dr (ex.DELTA THROB ex.STAB) / Birth: Sep28.1982
KEI_Vo&Ba (SAMEGANI) / Birth: Nov29.1987

 X Made Alcoholic Santaclaus, o XMAS per i fans, è una nuova band nata nel 2013 che sta riscuotendo molti apprezzamenti tra i vari fans del jrock, così questa è una loro breve presentazione.

XMAS è stato avviato dal chitarrista della band CHARLIE e dai suoi amici  nel 2013, nella città di Yokohama, in Giappone. I ragazzi si conoscevano da anni, e avevano già suonato insieme in diversi gruppi  (come STUD, STAB, e altri), e avevano eseguito molti eventi e festival prima di finire per creare XMAS.
Loro descrivono il loro sound come «forte Heavy Rock n'Roll». I 4 «Alcoholic Santaclauses» vogliono che la loro musica porti qualcosa di speciale e gioioso per le persone di tutto il mondo.

XMAS è anche coinvolto con numerose altre attività, come il progetto solista di Charlie "KAKEJIKU" e una collaborazione con il marchio di moda giapponese "KUSTOMSTYLE".

Al momento la band ha rilasciato 2 EP: 『アリバダ』nel 2014 e 『Nouveau départ』nel 2015.
Inoltre nel 2015 hanno anche tenuto un Tour Europeo, in paesi come Germania, Francia, Paesi Bassi e Belgio.


X Made Alcoholic Santaclaus, or XMAS, is a new band formed in 2013 that is gaining much appreciation among the various fans of jrock, so this is a brief presentation.

XMAS was started by the band's guitarist CHARLIE and his friends back in 2013,  in the city of Yokohama,  Japan.  The guys  had known each other  for  years,  as  they  had  previously  played together  in  several different bands (like STUD, STAB,  and others),  and had performed for many events and festivals before finally creating XMAS. 
They describe their sound as «Loud Heavy Rock n'Roll». The 4 «Alcoholic Santaclauses» want their music to bring something special and joyful to people all over the world.  

XMAS is also involved with several other activities, like CHARLIE's own project "KAKEJIKU" and a collaboration with the Japanese fashion brand "KUSTOMSTYLE".

At the moment the band has released 2 EP: 『アリバダ』on 2014 and『Nouveau départ』on 2015. In addition, in 2015 they also held a European Tour, in countries like Germany, France, Netherlands and Belgium.


Twitter profile

First EP Dec.2014

Second EP Sep.2015
『Nouveau départ』
1.keep on March
2.Throw away tonight 
7.from cal 
4.ZODIAC(Loop Madness Remix) 


 "アリバダ" from 1EP 『アリバダ』

 "Throw away tonight " from 2EP  『Nouveau départ』

Credits: Official site


Tramite la sua pagina Facebook, Kamijo ha annunciato la rinascita dei Versailles.
I Versailles suoneranno di nuovo insieme il 28 Dicembre 2015, durante il quale Kamijo festeggerà anche il suo 20th anniversario.
Una notizia che ha reso felici molti fans della band che non hanno comunque mai smesso di seguire Kamijo, nel suo progetto solista, e gli altri ragazzi riuniti nel gruppo JUPITER, insieme a Zin.

Rimane solo da capire cosa poterà questa rinascita: sarà solo momentanea o possiamo aspettarci qualcosa di più?

Through its Facebook page, Kamijo announced the revival of Versailles.
Versailles will play together again on Dec. 28, 2015, during which Kamijo will also celebrate its 20th anniversary.
News that made happy many fans of the band who have still never stopped following Kamijo, in his solo project, and the other guys in the group gathered JUPITER, along with Zin.

It only remains to see what it will bring this revival: it will be only temporary or can we expect something more?

KAMIJO World Tour 2015
-20th ANNIVERSARY BEST- Grand Finale
2015-12-28, Zepp DiverCity Tokyo


credits: & KAMIJO FB

Matenrou Opera: Announces New Album (UPDATE)

Matenrou Opera announces new album "Chikyuu" for new year and they and open a special site where issue a intro movie.
It will be available in two versions.

4th Full Album 「地球」(Chikyuu)
Release 20 January 2016

Limited Edition(CD+DVD)
CD:12 songs +Bonus Track 1song 
1 ether
3 "new song" Music Video+benefits video recording

Regular Edition(CD Only)
CD: 12 songs 

3. 致命傷 (Chimeishou)
4. YOU & I
5. 君と見る風の行方 (Kun to miru kaze no yukue)
6. Good Bye My World
7.青く透明なこの神秘の海へ (Aoku tōmeina kono shinpi no umi e)
10. ether
11. 讃えよう 母なる地で (Tataeyou hahanaru ji de )
12. 地球 (Chikyu)
Bonus Track ※Limited Edition only
13. 嘘のない私で (Uso no nai watashi de)

[DVD] ※Limited Edition only
「ether」 Music Video
「BURNING SOUL」 Music Video
「PANDORA」 Music Video
+benefits video recording


"PANDORA" PV Preview


ALBUM Preview

credits:official site

Angelo: Release DVD

Angelo release live DVD & Blu-ray, in 2 versions.

2016.2.24 Release 

Limited Edition ( Orders on Web Only)
[Blu-ray + CD + Photos] ANXB-00003 ~ 00004 / ¥ 8,800 + tax
- Blu-ray
LIVE video (10/4 @ TOYOSU PIT 「FACTOR」6songs・12/18 @Osaka BIG CAT 「RESULT」6 songs)
- Photos 

Acceptance period: 2015.12.28 (Mon) - 2016.2.15 (Mon)
Details and your application is here →
※ Delivery is scheduled to 2016.2.24.

Normal Edition
[DVD + CD] 2016.2.24 / IKCB-80012 ~ 13 / ¥ 6,800 + tax
LIVE video (10/4 @ TOYOSU PIT 「FACTOR」6songs・12/18 @Osaka BIG CAT 「RESULT」6 songs)

- CD tracks

04.Pendulum Clock
08.AI(Artificial Intelligence)
11.Collapse parade

Credits: Angelo Official

martedì 29 dicembre 2015

glamscure: one-coin single "evil-minded" (video)

glamscure release a one-coin single "evil-minded" for the date 29 December 2015.

1. evil-minded - 4: 07
Songwriting · Composition: Harui / Arranged: glamscure

※ Limited release on 12/29 glamscure sponsored event
※ Complete Limited Edition (CD - R)

Vocals:ケイオス / chaos
Guitar: ハルイ/ Harui
Bass: 祈〜いのり〜 / Inori

Credit: Official site and YouTube

lunedì 28 dicembre 2015

Rose Noire: Release mini album

Rose Noire release new mini album "soredemo, kimi wa utsukushī"(それでも、君は美しい) .

Live Schedule:
December 5, 2015 Ikebukuro RUIDO K3 (record release one-man live)

Vocal. Louie
Violin. Jill
Support Bass. tAk
Support Drums. Ebisumaru

December 5, 2015 live venue pre-sale
January 20, 2016 over-the-counter sale

01. days
02. sins
03. Labyrinth
04. narcism
05. Light

credits:Starwave Records & official site

TOKAMI: Release Limited DVD (SPOT)

After new album release in December Tokami will release limited DVD.

Tokami limited DVD [Advent Gibeon] on sale via online shop and live venues only
On sale at live venues on January 25, 2016, and via the online shop for a limited time

DVD playlist:
01. Radiant
03. Luminescence
04. addicted lover
05. Sayonaranohateni amewafurite
06. venom
07. day after day
08. crisis in the future
09. Lemurian Seed
10. vendetta
11. Souei
12. Yuutsunaru futashikana asu, hohoemino saki ni tsuita uso
13. Crimson Sky

Label Online shop:

credits:Starwave Records

DIO: Reborn for a limited period

Una grande notizia per i fans della band DISTRAUGHT DIO OVERLORD, che si appresta a tornare in concerto per il loro 10th anniversario dalla formazione.

La band che è stata attiva per 4 anni ( dal 2006 al 2010) ritornerà con l'intera formazione originale,  Vo.mikaru, Gt.kei, Gt.erina, Ba.ivy e  Dr.denka, per un periodo limitato che li vedrà in tour in Europa e anche con uno spettacolo in Giappone.

I ragazzi sono grati a B7Klan per questa opportunità di suonare di nuovo tutti insieme e nuove informazioni saranno aggiunte di seguito.


Great news for fans of the band DIO Distraught Overlord, which is preparing to return to the concert for the their 10th anniversary from formation.

The band has been active for four years (2006-2010) will return with the entire original lineup, Vo.mikaru, Gt.kei, Gt.erina, Ba.ivy Dr.denka and, for a limited period that will see them on tour in Europe and also with a show in Japan.

The boys are in B7Klan grateful for this opportunity to play together again and new information will be added below.


Facebook: DistraughtOverlordDIO

7Klan & Torpedo Productions present you a very special tour :
B7Klan 10th anniversary 2006-2016
DISTRAUGHT DIO OVERLORD (full original members)


8 april: Helsinki, Finland @ Nosturi
9 april: Paris, France @ Divan du Monde
10 april: London, UK @ the Underworld
12 april: Cologne, Germany @ MTC
13 april: Hamburg, Germany @ Headcrash
14 april: Wroclaw, Poland @ Firlej
16 april: Colmar, France @ le Grillen
17 april: Munich, Germany @ Feierwerk

ONEMAN live in Japan
14May 2016: Tokyo, Japan @Takadanobaba AREA

credits:Mikaru FB

A9: Release new EP

A9 rilasceranno il loro secondo EP nella primavera del 2016.
Il titolo dell' EP è  「LIGHT AND DARKNESS」sarà inizialmente disponibile come download digitale in tre versioni.

Scadenza della 1 applicazione: 10 Gennaio 2016 fino alle 23:30 Overseas)

Tutti i preordini del live il 12/25 riceveranno la canzone "ANIMUS" inclusa nell'EP e nella versione digitale

A9 release new 2nd EP on Spring of 2016.
Titled will be "LIGHT AND DARKNESS" and the EP will initially be available as a digital download with three versions available.

Phase 1 Application deadline: January 10, 2016 (Sunday) until 23:30 Overseas)

All preorders of 12/25 live performance will receive the song "ANIMUS," also included in the EP, and a digital booklet.

Regular Edition: 2,500yen + tax, a separate system commission 200 yen (tax included)
Songs normal data delivery
※ to deliver to release date

Special edition : 5,000yen + tax, a separate system commission 200 yen (tax included)
Songs normal data delivery
※ to deliver to one week prior to the release date
Songs high-resolution data distribution
※ to deliver to one week prior to the release date
FULL HD image quality MV data distribution (all six)
SHOW ver.
TORA ver.
SAGA ver.
NAO ver.

Deluxe Edition: 12,000yen + tax, a separate system commission 200 yen (tax included)
12 / 25LIVE the video two songs data delivery
Para data, songs delivery
Digital photo book
Songs normal data delivery
※ to deliver to one week prior to the release date
Songs high-resolution data distribution
※ to deliver to one week prior to the release date
FULL HD image quality MV data distribution (all six)
SHOW ver.
TORA ver.
SAGA ver.
NAO ver.

In addition the band announced a spring tour!

4.16 Stellar Ball
4.21 Sapporo cube garden
4.24 Aomori Quarter
4.26 Niigata NEXS NIIGATA
4.27 Sendai darwin
4.29 Koriyama Hip Shot Japan
5.1 Kanazawa AZ
5.3 Kobe FANJ
5.4 Kobe SLOPE
5.6 Nagoya Bottom Line
5.8 Hamamatsu Madowaku
5.15 Hiroshima Club Quattro
5.19 Osaka BIG CAT
5.21 Fukuoka BEAT STATION

info:official site

credits:official site

MUCC: New Digital Single

MUCC release new digital single "Brilliant World" in limited version from 24 December 2015 to 5 january 2016.

iTunes store

Digital Single [Brilliant World]
01. Brilliant World

credits:official site

Scarlet Valse: Release 4th Single (New Spot)

Scarlet Valse release their 4th Single for the new year.

 4th Single 「La neige」
Release:  2016 . 1 . 13

CD :
01. La neige
02. Eternal White
03. Holy Night

01. La neige (MV)


credits:official site & Starwave Records

lunedì 21 dicembre 2015

LIN: Last release and stop activities (UPDATE)

Importanti annunci da parte dei LIN (凛)!!

La band ha annunciato il rilascio di un MEMORIAL BEST BOX, chiamato「the end of corruption world」release is scheduled for 24 / 02 /2016.
Questo includerà 2 CD+ DVD e la prima stampa comprenderà re-recording CD "World In Flames~Eternal Sleep~".

Come già accennato in precedenti commenti, la band poi chiuderà definitivamente le attività dopo dei live allo Shinjuku RENY ( 8-9-10 /03 / 2016) e al Namba HATCH (20 / 03 / 2016).

Tutti i membri sono dispiaciuti dell'annuncio e sono grati di aver avuto la possibilità di essere in questa band.
Ringraziano i fan per il supporto e vogliono regalare un bello spettacolo in questi lavi finali del 2016.
Chiedono supporto e di rimanere aggiornati su di loro fino alla fine.


Important announcements by LIN (凛)!!

The band has announced the release of a MEMORIAL BEST BOX, called 「the end of corruption world」 release is scheduled for 24/02/2016.
This will include 2 CDs + DVD and the first release will include the re-recording CD "World In Flames~Eternal Sleep~".

As already mentioned earlier comments, then the band will go to stop definitively the activity after the live at Shinjuku RENY (8-9-10 / 03/2016) and Namba HATCH (20/03/2016).

All members are sorry for the announcement, and they are grateful to have had the opportunity to be in this band.
Thank the fans for their support and they want to give a good show in these final lives of 2016.
They ask for support and stay up tuned on them until the end.


凛 LAST LIVE 2016「the end of corruption world」

[ Shinjuku ReNY at 2016/03/08]

- Bands -
Far East Dizain

[Shinjuku ReNY at 2016/03/09]

- Bands -
黒百合と影(kuroyuri to kage)

[ Shinjuku ReNY at 2016/03/10]

- Bands -
Mix Speaker's,Inc.
Black Gene For the Next Scene

[Nanba HATCH at 2016/03/20]

- Bands -
Black Gene For the Next Scene


Cover DVD

-13 Songs first formation  LIN (2010-2013)
Vocal: Riku
Guitar: Kanata
Guitar: Mizuki (left the band in 2013)
Bass: Kisaki
Drums: Reiya

-13 Songs second formation LIN (2014-2016) including also included the track "World In Flames" was originally the first training and then will be remastered.
Vocal: Sui
Guitar: Mizaly
Guitar: Cero
Bass: Kisaki
Drums: Yushi

Credits: Kisaki blog & Official site


Codomo Dragon release LIVE DVD "6th Oneman Tour FINAL「下剋上。」~2015.09.05 赤坂BLITZ~"  which will include scene of their one-man live tour "下剋上。" tour final at Akasaka BLITZ at 2015/09/05.

Date of release is  2016/01/20 .

credits:b.p. records

Royz: Live DVD (SPOT)

Royz release LIVE DVD "47都道府県 ONEMAN TOUR FINAL「The 47th Beginners」~2015.09.22 Zepp Tokyo~" which will include scene of their one-man live tour "The 47th Beginners" tour final at Zepp Tokyo at 2015/09/22.

Date of release is 2016/01/20.

Royz 47 prefecturesONEMAN TOUR FINAL
『「The 47th Beginners」~2015.09.22 Zepp Tokyo~』

Royz 47 prefectures ONEMAN TOUR
『「The 47th Beginners」~DOCUMENT~』


Kiryu: Live DVD (SPOT)

Kiryu release  LIVE DVD "47都道府県単独巡業~千秋楽~「龍跳狐臥」~二〇一五年七月三十一日 日本武道館~" which will include scene of their one-man live tour "龍跳狐臥" tour final at Nippon Budoukan at 2015/07/31.

Date of release is 2016/01/20.

47 prefectures alone tour - final day -
『「龍跳孤臥」~二〇一五年七月三十一日 日本武道館~』

47 prefectures alone tour

credits:B.P. Records

giovedì 17 dicembre 2015

Calmando Qual: Dissolution + Live DVD (Update)

Sul sito ufficiale dei Calmando Qual è stato rilasciato il messaggio della dissoluzione della band.
Durante il live del 5 Novembre al Ebisu aim, loro hanno annunciato il loro last live il 9 Giugno 2016 al Takadanobaba AREA.
Si sono astenuti dal dare le ragioni che hanno portato a questa decisione, ma spiegano che è la conclusione a cui sono arrivati i membri della band.
Calmando Qual ringraziano tutti i fans per il loro supporto e per i magnifici ricordi vissuti insieme.


On the official website Calmando Qual was released the message of the dissolution of the band.
During live on November 5th at Ebisu aim, they have announced their last live on June 9th, 2016 at Takadanobaba AREA.
They abstained from giving the reasons that led to this decision, but explain that it is the conclusion to which the band members arrived
Calamndo Qual thank all the fans for their support and for the wonderful memories spent together.


Calmando Qual LIVE DVD-R "Carnival Of Freaks III" 
Includes scenes of one-man live "Carnival Of Freaks III" at Ebisu clubs aim of 11/05/2015
- Starwave Records official webshop 
- Live at Ebisu clubs aim of 22/12.

Price: 4,500yen (tax in)
Limit 44 copies
(Disc is a DVD-R.)

DVD playlist:

01. disorder
02. ネガ×ネガ×ネガ (Nega nega nega)
03. .塗り潰されたエレジー (Nuritsubusareta Elegy)
04. Re:born
06.  過ち (Ayamachi)
07. ガレキの夢 (Garekinoyume)
08. モノクローム (Monocrome)
09. 歪 (Yugami)
10. 消えない悪夢 (kienai akumu)
11. 一雫の永遠 (Hitoshizuku no Eien)
12. 恍惚の星 (Koukotsu no hoshi)
13. Blood Red Shoes
14.地獄シェフ (Jigoku shefu)
15. velvet
16.死よりも深い死の中で ( Shiyorimofukai shino nakade)
18. hedonism

credits:official site

Megamasso: 1 year break + Live reunion

La band ha annunciato che andrà in pausa dopo il live del 16/12 , una pausa di un anno.
Le scene del tour final サイレントガール,オープニングガール- / "Silent Girl, opening Girl -"(ultima tappa del  del one-man live tour "ザファーストラストニムバス / the first last nimbus") che si è tenuto al Shinjuku ReNY il 16 December è stato reso anche disponibile in real-time tramite niconico.

La pausa è stata decisa in modo che i componenti si concentrino anche sulle loro attività soliste e anche per riflettere sulla nuova svolta che dovranno assumere come Megamasso.

Infatti sembra già possibile avere una data per il live della reunion:
One-man live "THE FIRST REUNION, SECOND NIMBUS" at Shinagawa INTERCITY HALL il 10 Dicembre 2016.


The band has announced that it will pause after the live of 16.12, a break of a year.
The scenes of the tour final サ イ レ ン ト ガ ー ル, オ ー プ ニ ン グ ガ ー ル - / "Silent Girl, opening Girl -" (last live on the one-man live tour "ザ フ ァ ー ス ト ラ ス ト ニ ム バ ス / the first last nimbus") which was held at Shinjuku Reny the December 16 was also made available in real-time via niconico.

The break was determined so that the components will also focus on their solo activities and also to reflect on the new road that they will take as Megamasso.

In fact, it seems already possible to have a date for the live reunion:
One-man live "THE FIRST REUNION, SECOND NIMBUS" at Shinagawa INTERCITY HALL il 10 December2016.

Credits: Official site

GACKT: new releases + collaboration with Nestlé

E' stato annunciato il rilascio di un nuovo album, il nome è "LAST MOON" e verrà rilasciato per Marzo 2016.
Includerà 2CDs + DVD + booklet (20 pagine) + MOON TYPE SPECIAL JACKET. 

Sempre per lo stesso giorno verrà rilasciato anche un "PLATINUM BOX〜XVI〜".
"PLATINUM BOX〜XVI〜" [contents]
Osamu-raku travel in Sapporo
Devil Geimu that attacked the F9!
Bow event and mystery of the negotiations secret project!
The PS: your rudeness if it fails!

Come una collaborazione speciale tra GACKT che rilascerà il suo primo album originale in sei anni "LAST MOON" in primavera 2016 e Nestlé, uno sito speciale di Nestlé ha avviato la distribuzione avanzata delle piste di linea sulle "LAST MOON"!

Nestlé × GACKT nuovo album "LAST MOON" Collaborazione Speciale

Dal 16 dicembre, la nuova canzone "Hana Mo Chuyu" può essere scaricato gratuitamente per un numero limitato di 1 milione di liste di distribuzione!
※ Per scaricare, è necessario registrarsi (gratuitamente) al sito di download di musica "Recochoku".

Dal 24 dicembre, la distribuzione gratuita di 4 canzoni sarà avviato!

Primo World Tour di Gackt in 7 anni inizierà nel marzo 2016.
GACKT WORLD TOUR 2016 LAST VISUALIVE è sostenuto da Nestlé.

Ticket Pia
Lawson Ticket

Canzoni distribuite saranno aggiunte ogni mese!
Continuare a guardare per nuove informazioni sul World Tour e album !


It 'was announced the release of a new album, the name is "LAST MOON" and will be released for March 2016.
Include 2CDs+DVD+booklet (20 pages)+MOON TYPE SPECIAL JACKET.

The same day will be also released a   "PLATINUM BOX〜XVI〜".
"PLATINUM BOX〜XVI〜" [contents]
Osamu-raku travel in Sapporo
Devil Geimu that attacked the F9!
Bow event and mystery of the negotiations secret project!
The PS: your rudeness if it fails!

As a special collaboration between GACKT who will be releasing his first original album in six years "LAST MOON" in spring 2016 and Nestlé, a special Nestlé site has started advanced distribution of the scheduled tracks on "LAST MOON" !

Nestlé × GACKT New Album "LAST MOON" Special Collaboration

From December 16, the new song "Hana Mo Chuyu" can be downloaded for free for a limited 1 million DLs!
※To download, you will need to register (free) at the music download site "Recochoku".

From December 24, free distribution of 4 songs will be started!

GACKT's first world tour in 7 years will start in March 2016.
GACKT WORLD TOUR 2016 LAST VISUALIVE supported by Nestlé.

Ticket Pia
Lawson Ticket

Distributed songs will be added every month!
Look out for new info on the album and world tour!





Credits: Gackt official site

GACKT will appear as a guest star in a movie

Gackt apparirà come special guest nel nuovo film "Max The movie".
Il film è diretto ed interpretato dall'attore Max Murai
Nel film, GACKT interpreta il ruolo del nemico che Max Murai si troverà ad affrontare.
Il film sarà rilasciato sul canale Youtube di Max Murai il 6 Febbraio 2016.


Gackt will appear as a special guest in the new film "Max The Movie".
The film is directed and played by Max Murai
In the film, GACKT plays the role of the enemy that Max Murai will face.
The film will be released on Youtube channel Max Murai on February 6, 2016.


Credits: darkgothiclolita.forumcommunity

Mix Speaker's,Inc.: Hip fracture for MIKI + referral live

Attraverso Facebook e l'Official Site, la band fa sapere che i prossimi live del del 18 e 20 Dicembre a Sendai e Ustunomiya verranno posticipati.
L'improvvisa notizia è data a causa di una frattura al fianco che il Vo. MIKI ha ottenuto il 5 Dicembre in un live a Osaka FANJ twice.

Dopo la diagnosi la band si era riunita per decidere il da fare e sono arrivati alla conclusione del rinvio di questi due spettacoli.
Sono tutti molto dispiaciute di mettere i fans in disagio in così poco tempo di preavviso, ma chiedono comprensione.
Così hanno messo a disposizione i numeri per ottenere il rimborso dei biglietti.

Spettacoli Sendai: Kyodo Tohoku (キョードー東北) 022-217-7788 (giorni feriali 10:00 -19:00)
Prestazione Utsunomiya: Disco Garage (ディスクガレージ/Disukugarēji) : 050-5533-0888  (nei giorni feriali 12:00-19:00)
Maggiori informazioni verranno rilasciate attraverso il sito dopo il 22 Dicembre.

Su consiglio del medico MIKI rimarrà a riposo, ma non c'è motivo che questo impatto metta a rischio il futuro dell'attività.


Through Facebook and the Official Site, the band has announced that the next live of 18 and 20 December in Sendai and Ustunomiya be postponed.
The sudden news is given because of a hip fracture that the Vo. MIKI has obtained on December 5 in a live in Osaka FANJ twice.

After diagnosis, the band arrived at the conclusion of the referral of these two shows.
They are all very sorry to put fans in distress in such a short warning time, but ask comprehension.
So they have provided the numbers to get the refund of the ticket.

Shows Sendai: Kyōdō Tōhoku (キョードー東北)  022-217-7788 (weekdays 10:00 -19: 00)
Performance Utsunomiya: Garage Disk (ディスクガレージ/Disukugarēji): 050-5533-0888  (weekdays 12:00-19:00)
More information will be released through the website after December 22.

On the advice of the doctor MIKI will remain at rest, but there is no reason that this impact would jeopardize the future of the activity.

Credits: official site

MERRY: Announces new single (SPOT)

Dopo 「Happy life」, pubblicato nel mese di Agosto 2015, MERRY ha annunciato il nuovo singolo per il 2016!
「平日 の 女」 (Heijitsu no Onna) è stato registrato in due modi, lato A e lato B, in cui il testo è lo stesso, ma la melodia è diversa, una nuova sfida interessante.
Dopo ultimi successi, tra cui l'album e il tour, si prega di prestare attenzione alle prossime attività nel 2016, quando ci sarà il 15 ° anniversario della formazione.

After 『Happy life』, released in August 2015, MERRY announced new single for 2016!
『平日の女』(Heijitsu no Onna) was recorded in two ways, side A and side B, where the text is the same but the melody is different, a new interesting challenge.
After last hits, including the album and the tour, please pay attention to the upcoming activities in 2016, when there will be the 15th anniversary of the formation.

NEW SINGLE " Heijitsu no Onna"
2016.01.27 Release

Limited Edition Type A
1. 平日の女 -A side-
2. 平日の女 -B side-

<Live video>
Grateful Year 2015 「NOnsenSe MARkeT -メンズフロア-」
2015.10.20 Koenji HIGH

1. 千代田線デモクラシー
2. 迷彩ノ紳士
3. Friction XXXX
4. under-world
5. Hide-and-seek
6. さよなら雨(レイン)
7. 窓 -replay-
8. オリエンタルBLサーカス
9. ジャパニーズモダニスト
10. ロストジェネレーション -replay-
11. Happy life
12. アイデンティティー
13. 消毒
14. Midnight Shangrila

Limited Edition Type B
1. 平日の女 -A side-
2. 平日の女 -B side-

平日の女 -A side- (MUSIC VIDEO)

Regular Edition
1. 平日の女 -A side-
2. 平日の女 -B side-
3. Hide-and-seek [LIVE]*
4. T.O.P [LIVE]*
*Grateful Year 2015 「NOnsenSe MARkeT –レディースフロア-」
2015.10.19 Koenji HIGH

credits:official site

DECAYS : New release (Spot-Update)

New 1st Mini Album "Red or Maryam".
Release 16 December 2016.


TYPE: Limited Edition
PRICE: ¥ 8,000 + tax
FORMAT: USB memory
MUSIC: Hi-Res (48kHz / 24bit WAV) + MP3 (320kbps)


01. Secret mode (Red or Maryam ver)
02. 愛と哀を遺さず…
03. Dry
04. Red tide
06. ラナ ~from Future Boy~
07. beautiful

-Music Clip-
Secret mode

-Live Footage-
2015.07.28 AKASAKA BLITZ
02. beautiful

2015.07.28 AKASAKA BLITZ Offshot Photo Data

12 Photo Cards




Then they will have 2 one-man live at OSAKA MUSE of 21/12 and at Shinjuku BLAZE of   24/12 .

On the site is also available a video TEASER of the band:

Credits: Official site